Romance is in the air...this is probably the most beautiful and scenic place in Blossom Forest. For the athletic and determined to come with their mates, for time away from pups. Only adults may come here; some of the ledges are too far apart for teens or pups to cross and some too high to scale.


Drowning in Memory

As Apollonia had laid out her plan to Lolita, the adult’s maw had dropped. Wha-What?!?! Miss Lolita’s auds had pinned themselves, and at first the teen had figured that the adult was only upset that she had not seen it sooner herself, but she was soon to be poorly mistaken. Apollonia… Where did that come from?! Lonia… You have to understand that that… is not going to happen. Ever. I’m sorry. Apollonia raised her bodice out of the dust and shook, sending it back to the ground from whence it came. Hurt filled her orbs and she took a step back, auds flattening themselves against her skull. She didn’t understand why Lolita couldn’t see it. Her naivety and innocence kept her from understanding the nature of the two adults she held nearest and dearest to her heart. “My words came from what I’ve seen, Miss Lolita Ma’am! You two poke and prod each other and irritate the hell out of each other…” She paused, not knowing if the femme would reprimand her for swearing, but as her temperature rose, she realized that she didn’t care. “… but you both care about each other! You love each other!” Tears now started to fall down her cheeks, making her normally emerald hazed orbs look almost a hazel or steely blue. “You have to love each other! And you have to be my mommy!

By now, she was whining, her form slowly shrinking and growing closer to the earth. But that was when the mottled fae hammered in the final stake to the russet’s coffin. Lonia, I would not be a good mummy anyway. I’m sure you’ll get the best mother someday. Straightening her spine upward, she slitted her lids, for the adult could never know how much that sentence had hurt. For the adult didn’t know about her past, or rather, lack of one. Perhaps it was time she did. “I had a mommy once. I must have right – every pup does. A daddy too. Except I don’t remember. I don’t remember anything from before Mister Daddy Lycaon. I have no memories, so no matter what you would be a better mommy then the one who left me alone in the world with no memories and no idea what my name even was!” By now, the teen was shouting, practically screaming. The tears were freely flowing now, her whole face soaked in the salty water. “And if you don’t even want to try, then you clearly don’t care about me!” Each sentence she yelled, she took one step back, not realizing that the cliff was right behind. Because this was the first time she had been up on Rainbow Cliff, she didn’t know the lay of the land. At all.

And if you think Daddy is so awful, then you are a big meanie butt head, because he saved me from the water monster and gave me a home when no one else wooooooooooooooooooo!” The word ‘would’ never came out, for she stepped back once more, this time onto thin air. Her claws caught at the cliff’s wall as she slid down the cliff, landing upon a ledge about twenty feet down from the top. As her head hit the rock, everything went dark.

Apollonia | Pupless | Loveless | Cold Summers | Teen


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