Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


sight is blurred

'Yeah... pretty odd. Who wouldn’t want this pretty face as a pup?’ His pools of chocolate fell upon her motley features; his kissers were graced by a large grin as he listened to Matoaka’s jesting lyrics. It was a teasing voice that fell upon his lobes, causing a small chuckle to bounce from his vocals, even more encouraged as her tongue protruded from her maw; shouldered by her pallid teeth in a goofy expression. Quite an interesting face… but one that made the soldier feel almost unruffled in her company. When wolves were calm, cheerful and felt free to joke around with him, it almost caused a similar effect upon him. He would often feel at ease around other wolves at this point but if they were angered or fearful it often put him in a discomforting emotion. Perhaps not around all wolves but strangers for certain. But the fact that he found himself in comfort around the fae could have been linked to the fact that she seemed around the same age as Channing, she was both friendly and kind – just like his mother.

‘While I’m sure you miss those that matter, you have an adventure starting before you, young mind, enjoy it. Not everything out here is shadows – you’ll find your way and have a good time doing it.’ The motley brute smiled, his head dipping in a silent performance of appreciation. The future…Terrel wasn’t sure where his paws would lead him for the rest of his days; of course he had a general idea of where he wanted to base his life around. Though, it was extremely unpredictable and you could not plan it all – otherwise you may have been in for a ride of disappointment. Though as a general glance upon the future, he did favour the thought of joining a pack. Dark shadows may have once lingered above him, knocking angrily upon his life as it devoured his sanity but it was waning now… He was a social creature. The pack though would have to reside in the land of Blossom Forest for to be apart from Channing and Mae would be like an arrow piercing through his heart; slowly draining the life from him… Maybe his older, experienced paws would strike upon the body of a wolf as he challenged for his own kingdom? The idea of himself becoming an alpha was a likeable once; whether he could ever have the courage was a separate matter. And of course, the most likely one – a family…

“Cheers, I’ll remember that.” His vocals smoothly flowed from his maw, finishing with a half-hearted chuckle.

‘I got nothing…’ Terrel smiled. He wasn’t the best at conversations but he wasn’t prepared to just let their exchange finish so quickly. “Well…” He began, chocolate gazers falling into the hazy distance. “What are your favourite activities? Give me a little insight into Matoaka’s life.” He beamed; and he would of course offer his own in exchange should she inquire.

Terrel | Pupless | Loveless | Young Adult | Male | Multicoloured
{ Word Count: 498 }
{ OOC: }


'revolutionaries wait
for my head on a silver plate
just a puppet on a lonely string
oh who would ever want to be king?'

readers note;; terrel is an unsual character, disorientated from a broken background. he is gentle and kind, though wary towards brutes above the age of two years. when older he will be less confused and more sure of himself, he will gain confidence and go on to raise a treasured family...

  • GOAhead -

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