The forest stands tall and lush here; ancient trees reach weather-twisted arms to the sky, fighting monster-like storm clouds back with their interlacing fingers. Shadow seems to lurk everywhere you look, but it spills calmly, coolly, inspiring a sense of stealthy calm or protection rather than unease. That is, if you've forgotten what kind of creature might be stalking just out of sight...Abendrot is a land cradled by the dark woods on all sides; in the center, some of the larger trees stay behind to reveal a small plateau - a citadel where this pack can gather and defend itself from invaders. There are, of course, softer sides to the land. Clearings here and there allow the sun to throw down its rays in incongruously resplendent gold showers. Ignore the lingering scents of blood spattered here and there along the borders: those do not concern you. The river on one edge of the territory is playful enough when it hasn't been gorged by violent rain. You can choose to note the ragged claw marks raked down tree trunks and the forest floor as friendly "Home Sweet Home" signs, if you wish.

All who treasure loyalty, order, victory, and the occasional indulgence of raw visceral pleasure are welcome, once they've been approved by the ever-watchful eyes of Abendrot's Alpha. But keep one thing in mind: no matter what your motive, this is not a fool's Paradise. This is the land of soldiers, assassins, and spies. This is ABENDROT.

Make up your mind quickly and prepare to prove your worth. You wouldn't want to add to those blood spatters, would you...?



Demonican Princess QUEEN OF ABENDROT

If you looked past the fresh scar tissue and old war wounds, Scarlet Nights was still pretty smoking hot in terms of attractiveness. She had never stopped flaunting her looks, knowing it was simply another weapon in her arsenal that many poor bastards had fallen for in her past. Some lived to tell the tale and some just seemed too far juicy to not open up and take a peek inside. No, literally. Scarlet strode confidently through the pack terra. My terra…mine and Kershov’s.. It seemed relatively small compared to the amount of territory she was used to an army covering. Territories that took days to leave and nights to patrol were only memories now. The red lashed fae turned her cranium towards the sound of a call for her or Kershov. She at once bounded towards it, knowing Kershov still had a weight of more burdening matters on his shoulders. He’d promised to let her in on it all very soon and bring her up to speed. How romantic, we can plan our enemies demise together… She chuckled, a schoolgirls giggle out of a femme fatales bodice.
Someone say wolf in sheep’ clothing?

She approached modestly, her banner sweeping the air above her back, loosely coiled and uncoiled, as f the appendage had a mind of its own and was rather indecisive about how to hang off the alphess’ frame. Scarlet cast her amber gaze first over the young, stiff legged brute that stood on her side of the border, then over Kershov. Without hesitation, her paw lifted, then paused, looking almost wounded. It hung in mid-air while she cocked her skull slightly. He was devilishly handsome, focused and ambitious. Grey Wind, that was. A dangerous mixture. While she would love to hop on and start peeling back the layers of his psyche at this moment- she had a guest to attend to…and it wasn’t the newcomer in front of her. Another scent blew across towards the broken trio of Abendrot wolves and her lyric’s etched out an almost woeful sigh at being dragged from her arctic lover.


The one word held so much potential and promise of twisted, dark ideals. Her paw steps were barely detectable as she whirled and like the bloodied, ivory banshee was- vanished in a matter of seconds, causing normal wolves to disbelieve her existence in the first place. Her paws carried her towards the other newcomer’s scent, where new games were afoot.

Demonican Princess QUEEN OF ABENDROT


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