Re(4): "Lack of Evidence"

These are some great discussions going on here. Many thanks to Ray (Weather) for doggedly following up the many leads that truly support the evidence.

I am associated with Cougars of the Valley in Ct and we are preparing to expand our website to have an "evidence tab" which will be the beginning of publicly displaying the confirmed evidence that has been collected in the New England area by the core group of grass roots researchers who have been on this over the years.

Our trail camera program which started last December is going strong, and has attracted the attention and pending collaboration of a major university. We just rec'd a donation enabling us to purchase an additional 20 HD trail cams bring our total up to over 50 we will be monitoring.

Totally agree with Weather, the undisputable evidence on Cougars in New England is here with more coming, and will be presented by grass roots researchers much like the case in Michigan.

There are a small, but dedicated and qualified group of us out there working on this important issue.


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