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The world will end in fire

She was driven on this day. The Huntress was on the prowl once more, searching in the eternal battle for life, life without the pain of hunger. A life never to be. She had learned from one wolf, and continued under the green eyes of another. The black male was the example she followed, only foiled by her own inner instinct that came with motherhood. Perhaps, Flare would have been a much different female if she had been raised with a loving family, in an environment with language and affection, and yet the world she came from was a harsh one. Her only choice her young experiences was to heed to the strength of the older male, the original Master, and be at his mercy for food. She is capable on her own though, able to kill and feed herself when the drive compelled her, and yet the scent of the black demon still lingers on her pelt, for she will always follow the strong and those that command.

Her bloodied eyes are searching among the green foliage. The scent of something young, and slightly familiar, enters her nares, and immediately her white limbs dash in the direction. She follows it with haste, her red and black hackles raising slightly with anticipation. She remembers the scent of the girl with the young male that came from her own loins, and yet that scent meant nothing to her in this moment. She smells not her son, and she cares not unless he is there.

When her eyes actually set on the younger girl, she freezes, watching as the young one shows an ever present vulnerability. The young girl's limbs do not act as they should. This target, will be an easy one, as long as Flare can dispose of her quick before anyone else sees. Other wolves seem to protect younger ones, and yet if no one is there, it is a meal that will fill her belly and give her peace.

Licking her black lips, the female brushed of blood and ash upon snow moved with a silent yet deadly grace as she follows the running one. She follows from quite a distance, and pauses with ease when the young girl falls to the ground panting. Lingering from behind, Flare new this was her chance to attack. The young girl was tired, and Flare watched from the shadows with an intense hunger in her flame hued Huntress eyes.

And then she broke her stillness, skilled frame dashing through the land towards the now distracted girl, so fascinated by some insignificant creature flying in the air. She is like a flame, scorching the earth with her quick paws. Her teeth open wide, her pace not slowing as she attempts to grasp the girl on the back of her neck, with all of her weight thrust into her bite. She will clamp down on whatever she grabs a hold of though, her jaws wishing to lock and kill. However if she misses, she will turn and continue her barrage of bites. This young one will make Flare's pain subside, a most needed sacrifice.


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