Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


Midnight Raven

As my answer reached his ebony auds a dark rubble

vibrated from his throat. Amusement was apparent.

His poisoned words dripped from his dark soul riper.

"You still register as an angel in my eyes, doll."

Smirking as I noticed him follow when I sat down.

His stilts dancing around me until a slight pressure

went against me. Dark, deep, inviting his voice

reverberated in my ear as he stated his own name.


His tail wiping across my back. Quickly I whipped

my head, snapping at his banner. Not in a threat, but

it was a warning of a sort. With apparent flirt mixed.

The ebony demons figure moved away slowly.

Calling me with his body movements, tempting with

his tone. Slightly a smile formed and I got up.

Roughly I brushed against his rib cage with mine.

Nipping at his pelt protected throat, only to pull away

again. Placing my form on the other side of him,

nipping at the bottom of his jaw. Pulling back once

more, the game of cat and mouse amusing me.

My legs twitched with adrenaline pumping through

my crimson carrying veins.

I placed beside him again, this time putting pressure

into my playful bite. Iron liquid of the tiniest quantity

slipped out. My multihued tongue caressing the

spot. Removing the crimson from his form. When I

decided I was to close to the den, I trotted a

distance away.

I may be young, but I was no imbecile. This brute

was to take note of this. My vision focused on his

through a mocking side glance. Sitting my form back

down, I licked my maw.


~Elexzra~Vixen~Saw Tooth~No Love~No Pups~Teen~Destinee


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