At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


Play on Love

When Filius had begun eating the poppy plant, the

face of distaste for it brought a smile to my facade.

At times he was just like a pup, others he was a

grumpy old fool. Either way he was dear. As his

fangs sunk into it's flesh the familiar smell of iron

and the color of crimson oozed, staining the corpse.

I watched as the blood hit the ground, not taking any

interest in the hare, but just the pure red. Red, the

one thing that I was internally stained with.

For reasons I held no knowing to my limbs felt tired.

Now that I thought of it I hadn't truly rested, my

worry was always to stay alert. Be alert, protect, and

kill. Other than that I had no purpose. Battle hadn't

turned me this way though. To the world I was born

cold. Before Filius brought chaos to the 'kings' I was

nothing. No, not nothing. A chew toy to be exact.

Until I turned the tables on the predators

themselves. Again a smile slept on my face and

again I kept silent.

Memories flooded back in great quantities.

Eventually my eyes had drifted close, my body knew

what it wanted, but my mind was still running

aggressive. Flashed of fangs, flying fur, lying bodies,

dulled eyes, and then abruptly a flash of red. Slowly

I reopened my ivory curtains, iced orbs being

revealed once again.

Lifting my cranium smoothly and my expression

emotionless, I looked to the vixen. Again I studied

her with the utmost silence, but my frame held it's

laid grace. Until I deemed it that she could here my

words. They weren't cold,but they where

emotionless. An odd smoothness and elegant

gesture stirred into my vocals.

"And I am Hestia."

Holding a cringe as a sudden headaches hit my

protected inner tissue. Thus happened often when I

slept, still I pushed this annoyance aside. Holding

my gaze steady to her own orbs.

Find Me

Play on Love

Hestia::Adult::Vixen::Chained by None::Consumed by None:: Warrior of Abendrot::Destinee


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