A wide river dominates this section of the forest. Romance is in the air, and wolves of all ages come to search for their mate.


Waiting... For an awfully big adventure.

.: Female .:. Teen .:. In love with .:. Protector of .:. Saw Tooth .:. Cai & Vukan .:. xhollowremains .:. OOC: Hope this is okay. I’ve left it open at the end so you can decide what happens in your next post. If you need to godmod- go ahead. FUN!!! She doesn't even realise he is blind yet O.o

Electric violet forks hit the ground and dispatched faint yet shimmering light waves across the darkened earth, sparking emerald flashes in the young lass’ eyes as she travelled without purpose through the shadowed lands of Saw Tooth. Since her midnight outing with Aerten, the russet teen had struggled to quench the excitement of potential, night time, adventures and it seemed that tonight was no different as excitement had soon grasped at her form. As soon as her family had drifted into a peaceful slumber, the vixen had fled from the darkness of her mother’s den- only to find herself in awe at the growing storm that rumbled in the distance. Dib had never been frightened of the thunderous booms and sparks of electric that would come to engulf the earth and flee just as quick. In fact she found it rather remarkable how the world could create such power and disperse it as if it never existed.

Minutes passed and still the russet teen- her cloak a deep red in the midnight hour- watched the ongoing divergence that split the sky with a ferocious authority that couldn’t be questioned. Eyes lay open and naked in apprehension as the tempest roared onwards towards the forests of Blossom, threatening to swaddle the world in icy wind and harsh rain. Yet the atmosphere around her remained warm and comforting as the affects of summer fought against the occasional bloopers of winter that had managed to claw its way back in. It was then that the maiden, who had decided against a good soaking, stood, her limbs stretching carefully in order to carry her confidently back to the affection and security of the sturdy cave in which her mother lay. Her paws had trailed, with a heavy disappointment, in the direction of the den that was until something peculiar- a gut feeling almost- halted the vixen in her tracks and had her turning for the borders and the unknown mysteries that waited beyond.

Despite the sporadic niggles that quivered her disabled limb from time to time; the lass carried herself with ease and grace- to a certain extent. Her lanterns squinted through the darkness as she pursued the undeniable drag to something within the abyss, something, her body screamed, that would finally quench her thirst for the escapade she had dreamt of for many a night. With the intermittent flashes of hot mauve, that would light up the night, and clear the path, Dib treaded carefully- yet excitably- through the forest allowing her claws to caress the earth in a dangerous manner. Injuries would not make for an interesting story. Simply cause worry and panic to overwhelm her family and put a stop to the antics she had grown so fond of. Yet she could not help the pup-like rush that pushed her onwards, faster and faster over the terrain. It was clear to any onlooker that the maiden was one for adventure and though many frowned upon it and secluded her simply because of her disability, the lass did not let it slow her down. Many a time she had found herself in a tricky situation and just as many times she had found a way out of it. Dib refused to be a caged bird- much like Hachi was to his anxiety- and would NOT let her leg get in the way of her fun.

She hadn’t realised how far she had travelled when the rain came down in poisonous droplets that stung the skin. Or was it truthfully that she had never expected something to be so close to the river in the looming mouth of the monster. Her claws clattered against the pebbles that lined the bank of the river alerting anyone to her presence, not that it made much difference. Rain and wind had already come to Blossom and brought with it a deafening chorus of music that was sure to make all quiver with anticipation. Even the river, now swollen with water, engaged in the soundtrack with its own ‘whooshing’ verses. Now soaked to the skin and no sign of whatever had dragged her across the land, the maid turned once again with a noticeable sigh and dissatisfaction heavy upon her shoulders. She had been sure that something or someone would have met her in the darkness- perhaps even Aerten. Her gut had told her. But nothing had appeared to the damsel... Wait! Auds perked high on her head, resisting the urge to crumple under the heavy rainfall. Immediately she turned back to the river, searching frantically for something; something that she quickly found calling for help- in the middle of the river.

With no concern for her own safety, the lass sprinted- well hobbled- closer to the water. So close that the small white horses grabbed at her feet with an unexpected power. With the river so engorged and the current moving like a tidal wave across rocks and tree branches alike, it was a miracle that the creature was still alive- or would be for much longer. Jittering up and down the river bank like an animated and yet slightly fearful pup, Dib tried desperately to think of something, anything, that would not only save the poor beasts life, but not risk hers in the process. Emerald gems searched hysterically for a saving grace when finally she spotted it. Beside the rock, that the stranger had attached itself too, lay more rocks; a sort of line towards the shore. Instantly the feya limped towards the make shift barrier, a gasp falling from her jaws as she entered the freezing river. Water rushed past the fae’s body dragging her into the surface of the rock with an audible THUD! But so far the boulders were preventing her from being dragged down the rapids and though breaks were needed for her to regain her breath, Dib was making progress towards the creature- which she could now tell, was a wolf.

Only when she reached the fellow and had wedged herself carefully in a position that would prevent her from succumbing to the same fate as him, did she speak. ”Come with me!” Words were shaky and sharp intakes of air nuzzled their way in between the short sentence as her claws grappled with the rock and she managed to turn herself around. If the gentleman was smart enough he would quickly realise what she was doing. But little did they know Mother Nature had other plans in mind....

.: D I B :.
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