A wide river dominates this section of the forest. Romance is in the air, and wolves of all ages come to search for their mate.


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A very faint smilt ghosted my maw as I dipped my head in acknowledgement, steadying my gaze back to her as she spoke. Cautiously, I sat on my haunches as I tilted my head to the side as a pup would have done.
"Yeah... " I nod, replying even if it was more of a statement. I looked at the gravelly sand below my paws for a moment before shuffling my feet to angle my russet side towards her. The dappled fur on the opposing flank hid the scars better than the thiner layer of russet. As I did so, every scar could be mapped, for the fur was thin and could easily be traced.
As I listened to her story, lowering my head in thought, I didn't realize I was talking afterward until the words slipped my maw. I began explaining a bit of how I got my main scars.
As mentioned before, a particularly long scar trailed down my russet flank, creating a perminent limp in my hip. Although it wasn't painful, I had gotten a good 20 more judgmental looks. That wound had caused me great trouble. I had gotten That due to an abusive past with my male siblings. The only one who had ever cared was my sister, who was a year older than I. Sadly, my parents had died after I was weaned, leaving my older pack mates to care for my siblings and I. As soon as we were a year old, we were kicked out.
No matter how hard I tried, I was kept confined by the males, my sister escaping. My lean legs became bone, and my brod chest-once muscled- became skinny and gaunt. I was starved.
When I escaped, due to fighting back, I was beaten and skinny , mauled to the point that I could barely stumble away. For a couple of weeks, I survived in scavenged food. Ever since I recovered, I had hid my emotions.
As soon as the words escaped my jaw, I snapped them closed on my tounge and turned my head away. I had just spilled my sob story to someone I barely knew
A weight was lifted from my chest.


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