
Disaster has struck!
Flooding from the north has taken its toll on Glorall. The large tides combined with the increase in water draining from the Ruieze River has flooded the lower regions of the pack. The sandy soil, compounded with so much water, has toppled a lot of trees. Traveling is difficult even when the water is shallower, with the sandy soil below being difficult to find traction on. The daily tides seem to keep the level of flooding fairly consistent, too.

During the low tide, wolves may be able to move around the higher dunes (with some difficulty) but during high tide, the pack is almost impossible to safely navigate. Swimming is possible, but the risk of currants and surges from either the ocean or the river are very real. The island off of the coast of Glorall is untouched by either issue, although it is incredibly difficult to find your way there without being an adept swimmer with plenty of good luck!

Note: Glorall will reopen once 30 posts have been completed (or at Staff discretion). During this time, new threads will receive a 'Surprise','Disaster', and prizes. Glorall is currently not open for challenges.


Return to Lunar Children
I won't betray my Heart (Open)

Home. This is where I am now and it was time to familiarize myself with the wolves here. I do not know any of them. Only their Alpha Male and my own children. This will not do of course. I wished to be a part of their pack and consider it my family. I wished to have bonds among them as one might have. I didn't like being alone or being an outcast but it would seem that those days are over. I had been welcomed here where in Spirane, I had fallen short of my duties. I had let her take back the pack and I felt ashamed. Maybe I hadn't been cut out for that and now, I knew I wasn't. I was fine with this realization as I grew older. I was fine in being another wolf though; I would hope to gain a rank among their healers soon enough.

I sat there now in a little glade of trees and there's a smile on my lips. I had healed well of my injuries by now, but there was still the occasional ache here and there. It could not be helped. I sighed softly as I took in my surroundings and then, those bright eyes sought out anyone that might be nearby. I was lonely and it was time to begin the introductions and getting to know my companions. I flicked an ear and let out a couple of short barks. Sounds of attention though; they are far from demanding.

A part of me still wishes that I could have kept my paws on the mountain home that I had loved but it was time to move on. To live my life again and quit looking to the past. Though; I would never forget Moonglow or Alcide. I had grown closer to Moonglow and she had welcomed me home with open paws from our own fight when I had sought the crown that one time. Twice I had lost though; I realize now the error of my ways. I could be great but I didn't need it all. There were many other ways to prove that I was worthy of my places other than merely being the wolf on top. Alpha would be nice but it was no longer a necessity for me. I had my children and my home here. Maybe someday I may have my love but that has yet to happen.


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