At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


Run, If You Intend To Survive

A low hostile sound alerted her to something being wrong, and instinctively she searched for it's source, hackles rising at the threat. Her orbs landed upon Grey Wind, and she took in the fury across his face, two and two clicking together in her head. She could defend herself, call out and explain to him the truth of the matter, however instead she found her satellites flattening across her cranium, feral expression crossing her features in a rare display of emotion. It was a misunderstanding yes, but also a challenge. And Aerten would not back down from such a bold move.

He lunged, and she was ready, years of training preparing her for when he struck. He was larger, and male, and that alone meant he had weight and size advantage; he clearly was thinking straight however, which would give her the upperhand here. Thoughts moving quickly, she allowed him the opportunity to send them both to the ground, her own anger increasing as claws pinned her down. Amber orbs alight with rage, she glared up at him, his words doing very little to pull her from her zone. "Jealous are we?" She hissed. Baring her daggers, the femme didn't give him a chance to replying before snapping at his chest, aiming for a clavicle. She wouldn't bite down hard enough to break the bone -no matter how stupid he may be at times, Grey Wind was a pack mate-, however her daggers would break skin, and it would definitely bruise the bone, causing swelling and the area to be sore for a few weeks afterwards at least. At the same time, she lashed out with a hindleg, attempting to pummel his lower abdomen in a gesture that would also be uncomfortably close to other areas for the male.

Hopefully keeping her grip firm, the femme would let loose a vicious growl from her maw, warning him that perhaps it was time to give up. She wouldn't speak a word to the male until he released her from this grip -which she refused to think of as a straddle- and backed the hell away from her. To an outsider, she supposed this exchange could've come across as some weird lovers embrace, the thought lending her some form of amusement. Well, there certainly were some other ways to punish the idiot. Deciding to test waters and see if she could play his male ego to let her go, the femme let out a combination of a soft purr and growl, once more, glad he could not see the humour melding with the anger in her eyes.

"I want my innocence back," she snarls.


||Aerten||Maiden||Epsilon||Abentrot Assassin||Tamed By None||No Heirs||PixieEclipse||


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