At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


the fallen king

Deep hazel eyes remained locked on the green hues on the brute before him. Priam's gaze was emotionless but cold, as it had been ever since his queen passed on. She was murdered, he was sure of it. Whether it was murder for glory or because of sheer hatred, Priam didn't know. And really, he didn't care. He had never really found the culprit, but he had sentenced one wolf to isolation away from the pack. Being able to say he found the one who had managed to bring him grief made the great king feel so much better.

But Lupus knows how much Rodan took after his mother. Just looking into his eyes brought back memories of her -- memories that the ebony demon did not want to remember. He wanted to forget her, move on and pick a new queen, start an even stronger pack. It had been ages since she died, so why hadn't he moved on? Perhaps he was stronger without a mate. He was harder, colder, his spirit wasn't easily broken and he'd never step down from any challenge of power.

Yes, Priam was doing just fine on his own.

His thoughts were quickly returned to the ivory lad standing near the flowing water, the boy's voice drowning out the sounds of his mind. A low, rumbling laugh echoed from the male's throat, a sly smirk pulling over his inky kissers at his son's question. What's it to you?
Had it been any other time, Priam would have jumped on the lad for speaking to him with such a tone, but now was different. It seemed as though Rodan didn't recognize his dear ol' dad. How sad. Priam snorted out another laugh at his thought, shaking his great cranium before looking up at the boy once more.

"Curiosity. You see, I'm new to this land," he started, his voice low and rough, but still charming. He let his ears press against his skull, though his tail never wavered from it's place high in the air. "And I was wondering.. Have you seen a group of wolves wander through here at all? I seem to have lost my family." He finished, pausing for a moment to take in the silence of the place. "And it would be wise to speak with respect. You happen to be in the presence of a king." He added as an afterthought, his eyes scanning quickly over the younger brute's face before focusing on his green eyes again, his own seeming to burn with hatred.


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