
Disaster has struck!
Flooding from the north has taken its toll on Glorall. The large tides combined with the increase in water draining from the Ruieze River has flooded the lower regions of the pack. The sandy soil, compounded with so much water, has toppled a lot of trees. Traveling is difficult even when the water is shallower, with the sandy soil below being difficult to find traction on. The daily tides seem to keep the level of flooding fairly consistent, too.

During the low tide, wolves may be able to move around the higher dunes (with some difficulty) but during high tide, the pack is almost impossible to safely navigate. Swimming is possible, but the risk of currants and surges from either the ocean or the river are very real. The island off of the coast of Glorall is untouched by either issue, although it is incredibly difficult to find your way there without being an adept swimmer with plenty of good luck!

Note: Glorall will reopen once 30 posts have been completed (or at Staff discretion). During this time, new threads will receive a 'Surprise','Disaster', and prizes. Glorall is currently not open for challenges.


Return to Lunar Children

There is a sort of hesitation to her, but then she had no reason to believe that good or evil could be claimed by even a spawn of Iromar. She had met all kinds in all packs in her time before she had left with Ravan. His own bare tension makes her hesitate to completely relax, but she does keep her tail around her hocks despite her high held head. her long neck made it most uncomfortable to fret over the height of her head and her breeding made her a rather proud creature despite her own knowledge of her place in the world as a completely foreign and unworthy entity to the eyes of those who had brethren in a pack.

"It is a pleasure to meet with you, Leviathan. I am Tesseract - please, do not hesitate to call upon any here. Any company is good company, after all, even if we are not kin." and she nods her head at him with the kind of tilt that might have been a curtsey in the proper body and trappings, "Your Grace," she says with something akin to a knowingness. "friends would call me levi, if it suits you to shorten that mouthful. thank you for your welcome..." though it seems to her that in means so much less these days and perhaps that means that she might settle more despite her ties to weylin (who had made enemies the way those who bore the mark of the black dragon line often did).

"Weylin had the loyalty of many. They have since left this place, I imagine in an effort to distance themselves from grief. If I remember correctly, one of his pack wolves now holds rank in Spirane. Pan, I believe his name to be."

she nods her head at the information - not knowing how he passed, but accepting if there had been an exodus of those she knew, then clearly it was a swift thing that did not allow for his blood to be passed on. instead she tells him precisely the purpose of her visit, as noncommittal as it seemed even to her. just to run along the shore of the island again? just to take care and take a few gulls from the gusts up the sides of the cliff nearest to diveen? she thinks that it would be nice, true, but she also sees the hesitation for what it is in this king - and she will not press. it is very likely that she had run to the end of her travels to the sands and she is as accepting of that as she had been of much else.

she was no black dragon mark to be ill tempered.

"If my nose is correct, you have only returned recently? I'm sure Moladion is glad to have you back. How flattering that you might stop here so soon." and she smiles gently, understandingly even, as he sits and she can see it is his intent that she do the same. this, she thinks, is proof enough that she can relax. if he was cautious of her, there was hardly need for her to be worried. his thought to his own precarious position meant that he was more concerned by what she would do than what he was going to do. her lithe form is terribly tall no matter how her haunches curl her hind legs to sit, her long legs perched further forward than would normally be proper of a wolf’s seat to accommodate not only their length but the length of her lean body with its long silky hair.

"It seems that the place that me and my former love had spent much of our time outside of glorall is now under claim of three potential wolves vying for control and while i miss the vast prairie, the sands were what i knew first." she admits, "it was a hard choice to leave back then, but it had been necessary with war brewing. i was given many gifts by the fate who designed me, but to be a warrior in honest battle was not one of those gifts. i can catch a bird on the wing, i can outpace even pronghorn with a headstart or beat a hare to it’s burrow… that does not prepare one like myself to face down the beasts like Red Baron or The Undefeated Samurai King… and at the time The Demon King was stirring war with Glorall by allowing the murder of my nephew and Alpha’s brother-at-arms in Diveen without returning his body to the mourners."

A history lesson, but truth nonetheless. "so, i bid my family farewell prematurely… though I have heard word that my choice was not terribly misplaced - the demons and angels did clash at last… yet, i also discovered war was simply not something i could outrun, for all i outrun everything else… and i would rather be felled on the earth of moladion than any alien nation." her teal eyes look for understanding, her head tilted and her tail curling from its place behind her, creeping her forelegs down so that they cross at the ankles in front of her in utter comfort. "i assure you, the same that i am no warrior, i am no contender to a throne i would never be able to hold. i am born of inconsolably possessive bloodlines, but i am not so stupid as to think your people would follow such a breezy creature as myself either, stranger or no. glorall always did prefer the strength and fighting lust over anything else."

The Last Daughter of Mirovis

[ female - eight - no mate - no imprint - wanderer ]


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