Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


What is Dead May Never Die (Pack Meeting! Newcomers Welcome)

Family. Duty. Honor.


The brute was walking along the borders, brushing his pelt against every tree trunk, marking his scent wherever he could. He had often walked these borders, he knew them better than any other place in Blossom, but now they were his borders. It was his pack, a thought that still felt very foreign in his mind. Bright Moon was the first place he had been able to call home since he and his family had fled his birthplace when he was a pup. It was the only home he had ever known. The wolves within were quiet and often stayed to themselves, but there was nothing wrong with that. He still felt a connection to each one just in the fact that they all had the same territory to call their home. And now Summer was in charge of leading these lands and protecting the wolves within, a thought that may have scared him not too long ago. But now it was a thought that excited him. Not only had he grown stronger physically as he had aged from a teen to an adult, but he had matured and now he felt that he was the type to lead and protect a group. The smoky colored brute was dwelling on these thoughts as he circled the territory, wanting other packs to know that the leadership of Bright Moon had changed.

When Darcia had told Summer of his intentions he was shocked. It was not something that he ever would have expected to receive from the mysterious lupine, but he could not hold back a sense of pride when he was told that he would be the new leader of the pack that he had committed himself to. The brute would do anything for this pack and he was informed that this now included leading the pack, so lead he would. But he did not feel this was a burden, but rather a privilege. He had grown up in a family of royalty, one that was destined to be leaders, and so he had been raised that way. He was not the oldest male born so he was not always the focus of the teachings, that was always Grey Wind, the first sibling born. But Summer had still been taught what was to be done in any scenario that an alpha may be put in. While Summer was slightly nervous to be thrust suddenly into the position of Alpha, he knew he was worthy and had been properly trained. He would make sure not to let his pack down. The brujo could only hope that his pack would stick by him as they had stuck by many changes in leadership with this pack. Since his time in Bright Moon he had seen multiple different leaders. When he first arrived Tamlin still had the throne, though he had never met the alpha he had always heard great things of him. Then when Tamlin was gone there was a period where it was not quite known who was in charge, so Ambrosia had stepped up to the plate. Summer had observed her defend the pack with tooth and claw against multiple challengers, always coming out on top. But then she too disappeared, for reasons Summer never knew. And so the pack was taken over by Darcia. He had defeated Ambrosia in battle in one occasion and so the lupines within Bright Moon knew that he was a physical being that was not to be messed with, but he too was now gone. It seemed as if the alpha position was cursed in a way, and Summer hoped that it did not foreshadow his own downfall.

The smoky brute forced his mind to change gears, he did not want to dwell on such negative thoughts. It would not do him or his pack any good to think so negatively. He wanted to prove to the other lupines within his pack that he was more than worthy of the position he had been given. Summer had now circled around Bright Moon’s territory, marking his scent often along the way, and he knew it was time to head back into the center of the territory. He had been planning on calling a pack meeting for a few days now, but now he finally felt ready, finally felt like the pack was truly his. And so the brujo turned back towards the trees, his powerful limbs carrying him swiftly to one of the clearings within the pack. He loped easily through the forest, knowing the territory within Bright Moon very well and it did not take him long to reach his destination. When he reached the clearing he paused, looking around at the place from a different perspective. He was no longer being called to a meeting but he was now the one that would call the lupines of the pack together. A flicker of anxiety fluttered within him for a moment before he leapt from the ground onto one of the boulders in the clearing, the highest boulder, a spot where the alpha would stand.

Summer stood on the boulder for a moment and then he lifted his muzzle to the sky and let out a call, loud and summoning. He called for the lupines that had loyally been in Bright Moon for many moons, he called for newcomers who were in the process of joining, and he called for anyone who may be wandering and alone, looking for a home. After his howl rang through the trees he sat down, tail wrapping around his paws as he sat tall and proud of the pack that he had come to hold. His yellow orbs looked around, large ears perked, waiting to see who would come to his call.


**Summer**Brute**Lover to None**No Kin**ALPHA OF BRIGHT MOON**Adult**Brother of Lady, Nymeria, Grey Wind, Rickon, and Ghost**Violet**


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