At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


Behind the Tears...Hides the Anger

Fangs flashed as their quarrel continued, contrasting shades of black and white tumbling around as each tried to gain the upper paw on the other. Sayomi found herself on the ground once more, her more slender frame easily overpowered by the sisters larger build, muscles rippling with every movement the ivory fea made but being smaller had its own perks as she quickly dug her paws into the dirt curling her legs underneath as she narrowly avoided Ayllia's next assault by jumping at the last second, sending her face first into the dirt. A loud growl rumbled through the bloodstained maw, lips pulling back as her head turned, deep amber eyes flicking with pure hatred at the fact that she was just outsmarted by what was meant to currently be her prey, shackles raised as Ayllia prepared her own bodice for another attack before her eyes shifted slightly at the sight of another approaching. Intrigued she paued her assault, one paw lifted from the ground.

Iced eyes were completely focused on the elder, trying to predict the next move that she would make, determined to keep her off until someone would come...of course that seemed impossible as the surroundings looked bare, the rippling lake was the only other movement present. Not that this was the time to take in the scenery but Sayomi was always the one to be a bit, well, ditzy. Always being distracted by the slightest thing at the wrong time, she finally realized how far they actually were from their birth pack, the unfamiliar scents swirling around past her nose, one in particular seemed stronger than the others as her attention was drawn from the picture before her and icy gaze landed back upon Ayllia who's attention had also shifted from the raven sibling to the new lupine that had emerged, a strange orange coat covered his body with black patched adorning his ears and black socks running up lanky legs, rather more fox like than wolf. He had placed himself a little off from their quarrel but had made his presence known with a single word, Sayomi wasn't sure about the newcomer but anyone had to be safer that the fea she was currently faced with. Before Ayllia could turn to continue her attack, the younger black form ran past to the brute hoping for some form of protection.

Ayllia glared intently at this male, interesting enough for her to stop as their was something about him that seemed....deliciously off, so when her opposite twin had passed her to seek out comfort all she could do was copy that same smirk that adorned the approaching.

"Excuse me but that my sister that seemed to be hiding behind you. If you could kindly give her back so we can continue our *ahem* training."

(Sorry I realize this is horrible, I shouldn't of left it til 10pm.
Also if you would like to let me know who would rather plot with just let me know so one of them can run off XD)


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