At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


| hopeful undertone | [MF]

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i've got a migraine

The wind ruffled his golden fur playfully. The sand squeezed its way between his toes, coaxing a sigh from his lips. His pelt shone a white-gold hue in the direct sunlight. The scents of water and wolves tickled his nostrils and he smiled. Jixer was enjoying all of this. The adolescent had been waiting eagerly for this moment, this sort of euphoria. The ideas and memories shared with him by his mother, made his own, were now coming alive before his golden eyes. He stood here, just as his mother before him, and the possibilities swirled before his very eyes. He would do as he had promised his mother, of course. But, oh, how he could go about it. This would be quite the endeavor.

With a leisurely stretch, he padded forward. The water came as a cool shock to his paws as it rushed through his fur. His neck bent elegantly, his tongue meeting the clear liquid graciously. His thirst sated, he ventured further into the lake, slowly at first then in a bit of a rush. He stayed in shallow water but made sure, as he plopped down, that it covered his back. At first he relished in the piercing cool of the water hitting his skin, a purr-like rumble emanating lightly from his chest. In a sudden motion, the boy had sucked in a sharp breath and flipped himself, submerging his cranium and pressing his back to the soft, wet sand. He promptly began to wiggle his body. To anyone watching, this may appear as a fool's struggle but the truth was, he was raised by the water and taught to bathe in it. It secured the shimmer of his pelt and its silky texture. As his lungs began to burn, he wrenched himself upright and stood. The fire in his chest didn't bother him and he happily pranced from the water, shaking the droplets clinging to his cloak. It was a rare moment where the adolescent acted as such, instead of playing his game of pretend, imagining himself as the adult he would like to be. With a swift glance around, he found a pleasant place to hunker down and settled into the sand. He was happy to simply watch his surroundings, basking in it all.

Of course, the refreshing feeling of the water still sucked into his pelt in addition to the deep warmth harbored in the sand made it difficult for the boy to stay awake. Travel had made him weary, though he would do his best not to show it. Without his consent, his lids slide closed....



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