At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


Demons Inside Command Me

I want you to hurt, want you to bleed.


The demoness paced back and forth. Her fur standing on end, her talons digging into the earth with each step. A permanent snarl seemed to be on her features as the anger boiling inside her reached a new level. Their plan, her plan, had failed. And she was not happy when things did not go her way. A growl escaped her as she lunged at the nearest tree, her daggers and talons ripping into the bark. She wished it was flesh and bone that she was ripping into, instead of the softer and more pliable tree. Her bloodlust always increased when she was angry, and there was very little in this world that could distract. And now Valkyrie had lost one of the only things that was able to help her, her mate. Her old mate had learned that when she got into one of her rages that there was nothing that could distract her and make her act like a civil lupine again, nothing but sex and murder that was. And now without her mate to help change her violent ways when they got this bad, she knew she would be dangerous to the first living thing she came across.

The russet female changed her stance. Instead of being loud and angry, she was quiet and stalking, bodice low to the ground, belly touching the cold, frozen forest floor. The scent of prey reached her nares and her jaws began to salivate. A rabbit had the unfortunate timing of coming across her form while in the heat of a rage, and the female couldn’t resist the urge to take some of her anger out on it. When she was near enough to be within lunging distance she paused, brown orbs focused on the delicious scent of the mammal before her. And then she leaped, with the practice form of a skilled hunter. While most lupines go to kill on the first bite, Valkyrie liked to play with her food. The warrior’s jaws met their mark, one of the hind limbs of the fragile being. It reacted the way she expected it to, kicking and trying to escape, but the female was used to small creatures trying to get away from her jaws. She purred at the taste of blood in her mouth, biting down harder until she felt the snap of the bone and the rabbit struggled more in pain. The russet female dropped the being from her jaws, pinning it to the ground with a powerful paw. With a growl she tore into its belly, preferring to eat her food while it squirmed beneath her. After a few mouthfuls the life was no more in the small being, and Valkyrie grew bored with it and tossed it aside.

With a small amount of her anger gone, the female took off at a run. She only slowed when she reached the waters at Staircase Falls, dipping her bloodied maw to the water to drink. What she did not expect was for another being to be so close by, to be watching her. The scent of another being reached her nares when she lifted her head from the water, and she stiffened, fur bristling at the thought of another being so close to her right now. The other female made her presence known by stepping out from the trees, her golden form appearing before Valkyrie. The russet female growled, warning the other lupine that she was not one to be approached. Despite her warning, the other being had the nerve to speak to her. “Baby, tell me your story, and I’ll tell you something of mine. I come from a place a bit like Bedlam, do you know what that is?” Another growl escaped Valkyrie at the femme’s words. What was she talking about? Some place that the warrior could care less about it. Why was this female even approaching her? It was clear that the russet hued she was not friendly and looking for idle chat, so why do so? Obviously she had some other purpose behind her actions. A small part of Valkyrie was curious now. If this other lupine had the courage to approach her, when she was obviously unhappy and angry and hostile, then maybe she should listen to what she had to say.

For the moment Valkyrie stayed silent, brown orbs following every action that the unknown lupine made. “Do you know what it is, puppet?” The female spoke again, and after a few more moments of silence Valkyrie could only assume that this time the other lupine was going to wait for an answer. For a moment the russet warrior just studied the other female. There was an air of dominance about her, as if she was a leader or an alpha. And maybe she was? Maybe that’s why she was here? Valkyrie did not know. The female was well muscled and looked like she could hold her own in a fight. Something that the warrior could appreciate in another female. She hated the sappy, pathetic type. So, finally, she spoke, something she did not do often. ”What are you talking about? What interest do you have in me?” Her form was slightly less hostile, the growl gone from her vocals, but her stance was still one that showed she would not hesitate to react violently.


**Valkyrie**Dragoness** Mother of Apollonia**Mate to Azeal**No Pack**Adult**Violet


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