
I could take issue with much that has been posted here, Weather. I have been interested in cougars in the East since 1972. For at least 30 years I was a believer. I am devoting my life to the restoration of cougars to suitable areas in the East and Midwest. I have many books, reprints, and massive computer files. I probably spend at least 40 hours a week searching out and saving articles on confirmations and the management of cougars in the source states of Nebraska, South Dakota and North Dakota and trying to help cougar advocates in these states maintain thriving populations that will produce dispersers heading east--females as well as males.

But should I take the time? Are any of the rest of you who visit this site following our discussion? After all, its purpose is to report sightings in New England, not necessarily to discuss their validity or recolonization/reintroduction.

Unless you-all are interested in this discussion, I won't post any more.


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