At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


So Condescending, Unnecessarily Critical

Like a little girl cries in the face

of a monster that lives in her dreams

Enormous black paws tread along the ground, stomp, stomp, stomp. Rakasa couldn't care less who heard him coming. He was large enough to take down most enemies with pure brute force. Well, when someone was brave enough to actually fight him that is. Most wolves got one good look at him and ran the other way. He wasn't necessarily an aggressive boy, but his sheer size turned everyone off. Not to mention, his presence made the fur on the back of your neck stand on end. Something was not right with him, but not many could place exactly what is was. Rakasa knew he was crazy and he loved every second of it. The greatest of the great were all crazy - why would he be any different? He could be one of them... he just needed a little minion. Someone to do the little jobs while he handled the dirty work. Someone to spread fear under his name and clean up after his mess. But who would be willing to do that? Not really most wolves' idea of a good time.

They don't know what they're missing...

Rak mused to himself with a devilish grimace and vigorous flick of his black flag. He loved weaseling his way into the minds of weaklings. Loved to watch them squirm. Just the thought of it had him chuckling out loud, but something quickly redirected his attentions. Rak found himself drawing closer and closer to a large body of water. He hadn't meant to go this way, but must have been lost in thought as he traveled aimlessly. Bobbing around the water, a few feet out, was what appeared to be a small white creature. Dark brows drew close to one another as the large demon tipped his head to one side.

What the fu..

He mumbled quietly before recognizing the features of a small face. A pup.

Oh you must be joking me, I am not some knight in shining armor.

Rakasa mumbled in disbelief as he dragged his large feet across the remaining distance between himself and the water. Tattered ears flattened against his skull as he stomped through the shallow water and bent down haphazardly. Rakasa opened his large mouth and grabbed the lanky sack of fur and bones around its middle. The pup had strangely long legs, but the grown male was tall enough for it not to matter. Rak hauled the kid up and proceeded to stomp back out of the water paying no mind to what ever protests he presented. Upon reaching dry land the dragon sighed and unceremoniously dropped the small varg on the ground. He took the next split second to size up the little ball of fluff and was surprised to find that he was indeed a rare breed. Rakasa had only ever seen wolves like these with red coloring, not white. How strange. As the younger boy got a hold of himself Rak rolled his eyes and began the inquisition.

Little ghost what are you doing out there? Are you looking to drown? Don't you know how to swim? And where are you parents? Don't they know better than to let their kids wonder on their own? These woods are dangerous. I could eat you if I felt so inclined.

{Rakasa} :: {Brute} :: {Adult} :: {Chained to None} :: {No Spawn} :: {No Allies}

Does it thrill?
Does it sting when you feel what I bring?
Does it kill? Does it burn?
Is it painful to learn that it's me that has all the control?


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