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vladimir 3

The bear’s ear and fur all surrounding that extending barely down the neck and yet almost entirely towards the eyebrow -- it hangs from his jaws. His brothers, the cousins, had decided to feast a little before getting themselves tended. Vladimir had been a little worse for wear while Connie had been virtually untouched; nevertheless, they were adults and he was needed to seek out the one in whose name the bear was killed. At least as far as he was concerned.

His chest throbs, red soaking down his leg from a quadruplet of partings in his flesh over his heart. The bear had perhaps intended to steal the throbbing muscle out from behind his flesh entirely - but it was the wolves who prevailed. He howls before he comes upon her, warning her of his approach and waiting where he stands instead of seeking her out. She had made herself well and truly clear. He had overstepped. He treated her too personally and she was right.

He stands there, not sitting or laying despite the wound, because she deserved that respect. He was her man, her soldier, and he brought the tidings of the hunt. A monster had been felled.

His heart hammers despite himself, his feet flexing his claws into the dirt. He had never had any reason to be nervous when he met with or called on his lady before, but it was quite different now. His misgivings about his own behavior, his own feelings; her recent rebuke has sunk in too deep and keeps those feelings terribly close to the surface. It is as though the utter rejection worsened the symptoms he so heartily tried to subdue.

When he sees her part the foliage around the clearing, he places the scrap of the bear on the earth, looking straight ahead like a good soldier. “We have returned victorious. A great black beast who trespassed. I will make sure that no other has the chance, along with my brothers, once we have sought out healers.”




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