Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


Sow A Little Tenderness

Glory, Glory

The lanky youth in front of her was shrinking back from her obvious aggression. Everything about him was submissive, from his posture to the seemingly endless stream of stammered apologies spilling from his mouth. For a moment this only fed her irritation; such a sniveling boy! She felt a pang of contempt for the other wolf. Would he not even bare his fangs in response to her onslaught? But as her cool amber gaze swept over and over his form, Kaiya began to take notice of the tensed muscles here and there, of the emerald gaze that so carefully tracked her every motion. Perhaps then he was not as useless as he looked…

Lupin. A lovely name. Easy on the lips.

In an instant all trace of aggression was gone from her slender ivory frame. She pulled herself back to her full height and advanced on the other wolf with careful, dainty steps. She kept her ears pulled halfway back, a coy smile playing across her soft features as she moved toward him. She began to scent the air around him delicately, bringing her snout within grazing distance of his own. From this position she flicked her gaze up quickly to hold his for just an instant before continuing her deliberate investigation. She sniffed her way along the scars that crisscrossed their way over his face, moved down his neck, and down one flank. As she moved further along, she took special care to caress the young brute’s throat with her bushy ivory tail.

She returned up the other side of his body in the same fashion, bringing the two wolves snout-to-snout once again.


She murmured, letting his name drip from her mouth like honey.

“That’s quite alright, honeychild. I suppose I picked a terrible spot for a nap. You could hardly have seen me amongst all of this grass, now could you?”

She gave her thick coat a light shake to dislodge some of the dust that had worked its way into her pelt during her romp before sitting gently down amid the flowers, not retreating an inch from her position mere inches from the brute’s face. She wrapped her lovely tail carefully around herself, taking a moment or two to arrange it just so, before returning her attention to the conversation at hand.

“So tell me, Lupin, where do you come from? What do you do with yourself when you’re not out stepping all over poor, defenseless, sleeping girls?

With this last she let a girlish laugh bubble up from her slender throat, the same coy smile still holding on her velvet features.

No Matter If You Cry.

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