Aplos Riverside

Moladion’s powerful, winding river...
Aplos River is a broad, slow-moving river originating from somewhere beneath the mountains of Spirane and feeding Iromar’s moors in the south. The northern parts of the river are known for their strong currents, with the water becoming slow moving in the south. The riverbanks vary along its course, ranging from soft hummock grasses to small groups of pine, and sometimes nothing but pebbles and sand. Crossing can be difficult at times, but it can be swam or bridged by fallen trees or boulders alike.

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You think you can beat ME!?

You're Gonna have to try a little harder than THAT!

Undyne wasn’t actually suspicious, she was direct, she wanted information and if he was already getting that information then why couldn’t she tag along? After all there was no way that fluffy Zelda girl was that Lazarus was so fascinated with was exactly happy with Iromar’s new ruler, yeah? Undyne just couldn’t see a pack that was all about peace and love be siding with Thorne, individuals though? Maybe, but she found that a little unlikely. Diveen and Taviora were old time Allies right? Undyne might not be part of Diveen, yet, but she wasn’t going to go back to her sister empty pawed after being brought so close to the wolf she feared herself. So that was why she was out here harassing strangers that were venturing too close to Iromar borders or following scents.

His replies were amusing, snarky, her grin was still on her maw as she waited for him to finish his jest at her comments before replying. ”I’m Undyne, I’m the former Royal Guard of the wolves who used to own Iromar, then Asteraia. I’m looking for anything I can on the dirtbag who took over Iromar and kicked me and my Royal family from their home.” Undyne said. It was… pretty much the truth. Sure the royal family was tucked away in Taviora now, maybe he knew that, maybe he didn’t, Whatever the case they could ask and they would back up that it would be something she would do. ”You’re tracking Iromar too, yeah? Figured we could work together or something.” She says easily with a roll of her shoulders. Undyne started closing the distance between them, her tail waving about behind her stopping a good distance away.

”So, why are you tracking them? I poured my guts out to you. Your turn.” Perhaps Taviora was getting info. Undyne wasn’t in the know of the political situation entirely but she knew they were the good guys and Iromar were the bad, that was like oil and water it didn’t mix and Undyne was willing to spill her slight sob story if it meant helping out her sister.

no LOVE - complete SOUL - BORN of Arkane x Avery - diveen GUARD


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