Enocra Woodland

Pine, spruce and firs alike...
Dense coniferous forests cover the woodlands, with clearings, paths and the occasional wildberry shrub throughout. Pine, spruce and fir make up much of the forest in the east, with the forest becoming swampier in the west towards Mecor Valley. In the west, cypress trees dominate, with fallen trees creating bridges across and throughout the stillwaters.

Return to Lunar Children

We pick ourselves undone

Was he cursed? Dirk was seriously starting to wonder. Everything he touched seemed to fall apart in spectacular form. His mateship with Muireann, fatherhood, protecting Siren, Asteraia...now Diveen was on fire. Already a few had been caught unaware and the plateau was choked with smoke from the slow burning fires. Everytime one seemed to burn out and relief was in sight, something would trigger another one; lightning storms, embers that they’d missed, rotten luck. It was hard for him not to think he was cursed at this point, especially since his life had been going so well before. Rising through the ranks as warrior, chosen by the Laird to be one of his elite. Paired with the Laird’s daughter. All very prestigious honors. It would be a bit of a hard knock if he’d peaked at the age of five.

Needing to get away from the cloying smoke of the plateaus, Dirk made sure that his duties were complete and another took his place watching over the borders and the fires before slipping away, through the tall grasses. Even here the smell of smoke lingered. His head swung to the west, toward Glorall and for a moment he considered going to visit Siren and the pups. His plans to convince her to leave Glorall for Diveen had been shelved as there was no way he was going to risk harm coming to those pups or their mother from the insidious fires. Growling under his breath, Dirk turned his head north instead. To the forests then. Perhaps they would be far enough away that he could rid himself of the acrid smell of smoke that seemed permanently lodged in his nose. Mind made up, he broke into a lope, his dark form slipping through the grass.

The further he got from the smell of smoke, the more the tension released his body. When Dirk reached the sparkling waters of the lake he didn’t hesitate as he charged into the waters until he was up to his shoulders and the water closed over his back. He was almost willing to drown himself at this point if it meant getting rid of the smell. With that in mind, he shoved his head under the water for several seconds before pulling it out again and shaking to get the water out of his ears. There, that was a little better. Snorting out the water that had crept up his nose, Dirk trudged out of the water and shook himself out completely. Closing his eyes he tipped his head up toward the sun, soaking in the warmth. Letting the troubling thoughts fade from his mind, Dirk breathed deeply. Only a hint of smoke remained and he was half convinced that it was stuck in his fur for life. About as clean as he could get with a quick dunk, the warrior made his way north once more.

He’d been traveling a short while when he came upon a familiar scent. Dust and smoke overpowered the scent but underneath was certainly a member of Diveen. Apparently he wasn’t the only one escaping the choking smoke that day. Deciding that he’d better at least check on the lass, for it was surely a lass, he lowered his head and began to track. It wasn’t too difficult. He’d recognize the scent of smoke anywhere now. Following the trail led him into the forest and as he stepped into the sun spangled depths, he paused, looking around and allowing himself a small smile. With all the rain that Taviora had been getting, Encora was lush and vibrant. Had he not met Siren or Arturio, he might have eventually settled here; it seemed an almost magical place, ruled over by the fae. And ear twitched at the sound of a squirrel scampering through the trees and he turned his attention back to the task at hand. Check on the wayward member of Art’s flock and then meander his way back to Diveen. It wouldn’t do to be gone for too long. He had a duty to the pack and to his Laird and he took it very seriously.

The scent was stronger now and Dirk snorted lightly, not sure he would ever get used to the way the smoke tickled his nose. Grumbling under his breath about stupid fires and smoke and traitorous winds, the warrior picked his way through the trees only to stop as he watched a familiar lass plucking purple flowers and eating them. He knew that certain flowers and herbs had medicinal properties while others just had a funny effect on wolves. Hopefully this wee lass knew the difference because aside from a few helpful things that helped with healing or aches, Dirk certainly didn’t know what it was she was eating. ”Och, lass. Tell me you ken what yer eating. It’s a long way to Meryl.”

Six years old. My heart is my own. My soul is my own. I pledge my fealty to Diveen.


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