Borne a Sinner - " />

At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


Borne a Sinner


I lay there draped over the branch mindlessly watching the everchanging scene before me. Surprisingly enough one could argue that it was genuinely comfortable to be laying across this branch. Although it was really only wide enough to me or another small pup to be on. My front left is tucked into my chest and my other paw swings carelessly off the right side of the tree. My hind limbs are tucked below my body, so I don’t have to scramble and risk falling when I go to leave this place. That would be quite an awful way to die… drowning. I’ve never been taught to swim, so on a brave day I might go knee deep into the water, but never farther. It’s risky and quite frankly I don’t feel like dying. Which is ironic considering not even a few minutes ago, I was senselessly contemplating if life would have better if I had all those months ago. Although to be fair, that would not have been my fault. That would have been blamed on careless parenting, mother nature, survival of the fittest, etc. needless to say I’m still here, and no I don’t have a death wish, sometimes life is enjoyable when you just spectate like now. Watching the glittering scales dance beneath the watery surface, occasionally surfacing, their round pouted lips randomly opening and closing, like they were begging for food. As the lateness of the day wore on the pool seemed to get strangely more beautiful.

The sun is hanging low in the sky, casting a beautiful hue of gold and amber across the glassy pool. The surface ripples ever so slightly from the constant dribbled and feed from the stream. There was no telling how deep it was because from up here it looked to be an infinite depth. One that in any given moment could swallow me whole or be a shallow tributary that I could wade through. Instead my body is hung limply across the branch watching the shifting shades and ribbons of color dance across the surface. Entranced by this magical dance, I am blind in all senses to the threat that approaches at my left rear. And as I lay the pigments begin to truly come alive, the water vibrates and ripples with a subtle increase of intensity as the male enters unknown to me. At first the new saturation is a faint thread of a dark pink, but slowly it darkened and swirls into a ruby red. The suns golden rays dance across the surface of pool, while this new color seems to suffuse from within. And in my curiosity, I look to my left to see where this is coming from.

And to my surprise I find that it is not where, but from who.

Standing idly the pool, as if I wasn’t there, is a large black brute. Who is also clearly the source of this bloody massacre. I don’t really fear him, clearly someone else was able to beat him and send him on his way. Although she would not be able to do that nor outrun him either. Whoever he was seemed to be perfectly alright as if it was no more than a few scratches and bruises. A misplaced step that sent him tumbling from a high place. Slowly, as if in realization that someone was staring at him, the brute turns his head towards me. Cold amethyst jewels sear through her own soft, sky blue eyes. It was at this point, it occurred to me that maybe the lack of intention I had seen was purposeful tactic to lure me in. Of all places you happen to rinse off, you manage to find the one place that is already occupied. And interesting as it is to watch water run red with blood, I was enjoying the scenery without it.

I retract my dangling limb and slowly rise to all fours. Pushing slowly and gently, so as not disturb the fallen limb any more than I already was. It’s not pity that I look at him or the wounds like, it’s more like morbid curiosity because I’ve never actually seen another wolf as injured as he. Seeing masticated prey or even the carcass isn’t unusual, that’s just how it is. How did you come by your extensive wounds? Surely no prey could have beaten a brute such as yourself. No part of me wanted to taunt the male, regardless of how he perceived my words. I wasn’t toying or jesting the question, it was just a plain, puppy-like curiosity, that was weirdly innocent but not. I don’t exactly come from a steady home, good as it might be on some occasions. And I’m not socially inept but I have a knack for asking odd questions at the wrong times, and prompting problems to arise when there is no need for such things. I standing at the end of the limb watching him, but not daring to move any closer for fear of the water. My distrust of the brute substance is significantly higher because of the possibility that if I went any closer or stepped into that water I could die. So instead I sat down, my dark agouti coat warm from the sun. Who are you anyways?


||Justice ft. Artemis||Sister to Three||Alesana||


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