A Dream of You & Me - " />

Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


A Dream of You & Me

All that glitters is gold; don't believe what you've been told.

The soft yet audible crunch of leaves beneath crème paws was the only sound to disturb the ripe morning. The suns rays had barely begun to glittering across the crust of the earth and thus it left the woodlands pitched in darkness at the moment. The impeccable color palette of fall was not yet visible to the naked eye without light to illuminate it. So it was lost upon the muted crème brulee princess of the mixture of honey gold, amber wheat, cedar, cinnamon, and mustard colours that danced and crumpled beneath her paws. The lady trapezed with ease through Fir Chilis, a place she had grown attached to and had lain her roots in. Going so far as to finally dig herself a more permanent den that would be warmer in the coming winter months, since the first frost had already laid it’s grip over the earth and had since taken residence continually in the wee hours of the morning, until the sun’s rays could thaw it, leaving damp trace droplets instead. The nip of the cold hardly touched against the pallid lady’s skin because of the thick luscious pelt that draped over her bodice. At least she had that to thank her father for…

Sabelle exhaled an opaque cloud of breath into the chilled air. She felt the condensed heat of her breath surround her muzzle, but it quickly passed as she continued. No destination in mind, except to finally find a place to explore outside of the bounds of Fir Chilis and maybe take a few days to get to know some other wolves or just reflect elsewhere about her life. How empty it had become, even since coming and finally finding her mother; finding out about her litter, the pack she called home, the mysterious vampiric woman, and the woman who had looked so starkly similar to her father. None of it seemed all that permanent or maybe it was her own fault for not trying harder to make contact or keep it. She could have just as easily directed herself to the borders of Athene’s pack this morning, but instead she chose to wander as she always had. No place to really call home, but she had only herself to care for so what did it really matter. No lovers, no children, and duties to fulfill. She kept to herself. Kept in shape with her daily routine and training, even upping the game after she got some tips from Athene. But today she had decided to give her body a much needed day of rest.

So instead of her morning routine she had had to find other ways to fill her time, so she had just started to hike in the direction which seemed most appetizing. She had remember that off on the horizon, there were the immaculate peaks of Culter Unlaeddod. At this early hour she would not have been able to scale their sides even to the lowest plateau, but it would be at least mid-morning before she would arrive within the foothills of the mountains. It gave her plenty of time to stretch out before the climb, not knowing how far she was wanting to push her way up the mountain. She conceded it was likely that she would stay a few days up there should a fresh winter’s storm roll in early over those tremulous peaks and trap what poor souls had wandered up there, like her.

And after hours of flat terrains Sabelle finally began to feel the first signs of rocky ground beneath her pads. A test on the calluses of her pads. A much harsher terrain than what she typically trained on, maybe she could come here on a semi-frequent basis to train under harsher conditions? It was a thought she continued to toy with as she mounted the first steppes and began her winding assent. The air thinned within her lungs and she began to inhale much deeper breaths than before. Not minding the soft grip of misted air against her pelt, it cooled her underneath the thick coat. And not long after she began to feel a soft dribble of rain against her pelt, which sent shivers down her spine. The sporadic droplets thickened as she continued upwards until she came upon a plateau where she was showered under its wet kiss. A tingling sensation began to sprout at the base of her antlers and it traveled the length of her spine leaving a seemingly drug induced smile on her lips. Little did she know of the change which was twining its way up the length of her matured antlers. Sabelle did not mind the deluge and so she found a quiet spot at the cliffs edge where she could watch the soft spill of the rain and swirls of mist that shrouded her mountaintop.

People lie, people love, people go, but beauty lies in every soul.

|Sabelle•Lost Daughter•Cervidae•Alesana|

Table Credit to Morgin <3


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