Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"




The first to arrive was a young brute, around the same age as her own kin. And yet unlike those wrought of her womb, this one was apparently terrified of her. His eyes were glued upon her, and he could not help but stare, and stare, stutter, and then stare some more. Macaria chuckled softly and walked over to him, placing a gentle kiss on the top of his head, her tongue smoothing down his ruffled fur. “I see you have heard of vampires, little one. Your fear emanates off of you in delicious wavering rolls. Between that, and the way you are sinking lower and lower into a fetal position… you are not so good at hiding it. But you may relax, calm down even. I have little ones about your age - not I am calling you little, only littler than me. I love them quite dearly and I have no desire to harm you. I do not feed on young ones, and at any rate I am full.” She laughed, more of a giggle really. “Although, I think soon you shall outgrow me in size – I have always been small and was the runt of my litter, so it is not really that hard to be bigger than I am. At any rate, it is nice to meet you Kaukab - you can call me Macaria.

She stepped back away from him, suspecting that despite her words he would still be nervous around her - and she honestly could not blame him. But she also had no desire to scare him more. Macaria had no idea how other vampires spent their time - if they were as discretional as she was when it came to their meals. For Macaria had an agreement with both her mate and Kershov - that she would not feed on any with ties to the pack, unless it was mutually agreed upon. But it went one step further with Grey Wind, and that pact was that she was not to have sexual relationships with any within the pack. Macaria could not control her polygamous ways, but she would not flaunt it in front of him. Furthermore, she would not ever take advantage of a young one, for her own innocence had been stolen when she was far too littly, and she would not wish that upon anyone. But who knew, perhaps this one could have had bad experiences in the past with others for all Macaria knew. Or perhaps he had had bad experiences with other vampires. To be quite honest, Macaria was not much like them anyway. Aside from her rules that were previously stated, she did not really know anything about her own kind. Her understanding of vampires was that they were essentially born without any knowledge of themselves, and would either come to understand their history by oral telling from their maker, or else by their own experiences. Thackary had been an old friend, but once he had turned her, he had fled and she had not seen him since. So, by necessity, she fell into the latter category.

Right then, Kaukab, onto lessons now”. How strange this was to be the teacher and not the student. It was not often that she thought about her childhood, but she thought about it now. She had spent so much time with her aunt Kahlan, basically every waking moment aside from those spent with her father. Her mother had been… Absent… And so her aunt had essentially become her own surrogate mother. Now the curious spin on fate was this - Kahlan had been Macaria’s teacher in addition to her aunt… mother… when it came to healing and herbology. And now… and now Macaria would be the teacher to Kahlan‘s son. She would be the teacher to her own cousin, yet she had no idea as to their blood relationship. At any rate, she was struggling most with finding a good place to start, and decided she need to know more about him before picking a place to go.

So then. Kaukab, I assume Kershov asked you to study under me. Is the purpose for you to become adequate in this field, or do you have a true passion for it? Am I supposed to be teaching the basics in a single lesson, or will this be a repeat meeting? Moreover, do you have any knowledge of herbology for me to work on? Who are your parents? Do I know them?” Macaria was about to have a shock if he actually told her the names of his parents, firstly because she would discover their blood relationship, and secondly because she would find out that her aunt was still alive. And, thirdly… That Kershov had sired yet another litter. No matter if he told her or chose not to, she would pause and wait before starting the lesson proper. “Well, whether you want to know the basics or end up a master, our first task would be to find some plants. Yes. That would be a good place to start. So, this is not the most… Fruitful of places shall we say, to find a plethora of plants. But we shall have to start here anyway - so let’s go, Kaukab, lead the way and find me some plants. There are a few shrubs and rare herbs present in the rockeries, so that would be a good place to start, elsewise we can find some grasses down by the shore of the ocean.


||Macaria||Uyaraut Adlartok||Vampiress||Grey Wind||

Table Credit to Morgin <3


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