Enocra Woodland

Pine, spruce and firs alike...
Dense coniferous forests cover the woodlands, with clearings, paths and the occasional wildberry shrub throughout. Pine, spruce and fir make up much of the forest in the east, with the forest becoming swampier in the west towards Mecor Valley. In the west, cypress trees dominate, with fallen trees creating bridges across and throughout the stillwaters.

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if i could fathom what i see

Posted on February 27, 2019 at 02:44:09 PM by Cae.

male - sixteen - Iblis x Rhae - no soul & heart - loner

Truly it was a relief, the way she greeted him so exuberantly. At first there was a drawn out silence, Cae reading her given expression that came as if she were seeing a ghost. But recognition overcame all else and with tears of joys on her damp face, his big sister is suddenly hurling herself at him.

They tumble and he even gives an involuntary laugh- laughing freely and out loud was something that was never part of him but after the sudden contact with a sibling, let alone Gaia, after so long and sheer joy of the matter; well, he simply couldn't help himself. Nor could he help the way he nuzzled into her, neck, happy to have family near and to immerse himself in the red that was so reminiscent of their Father. Their Mother was not lost either, however, for the eyes that look back at him are one of hers as well as one of his. A timid smile is crossing Cae's features, for while elation still remains the thought of their family makes him withdraw slightly into himself. How she could greet him without any hint of resentment must have been thanks to their parents, and for it he was grateful, but he still beat himself up about it. It wasn't about feeling sorry for himself, but rather disappointment in himself for where he's been.

But what had happened had happened, and here he was now, with his littermate at last, and in the place he had known best all his life. He couldn't have asked for more, besides the rest of his siblings and his parents themselves, but he wasn't a wolf who was want to ask for more and more. He was simply happy to be in the presence of what family would be given back to him, though the then audible growl of his stomach brought him back to the moment and he just then realized what she said. It was only after she placed the remainder of the squirrel at his paws and he made quick work of it that he finally was able to process what she had asked him. Always he had been a quiet individual, and embellishments were never a strength of his. "Out in this wide world, my sister," He had never been the cryptic type, but being who she was Gaia would undoubtedly be able to see the way his pale paws fidgeted and his mismatched eyes shied away from hers. He wasn't ready to talk about it, not quite yet.

Doing his best to steer the subject away from himself, he's reaching over to gently nudge his muzzle along her slender one. "I have missed you, and I am very happy to see you." He sincerely means what he says and it shows as he looks at him, the sister that is such a marvelous mix of their parents. He always felt more similar to Rhae growing up, and he had adored his Father but truly he was his Mother's boy through and through. Perhaps that is why he looks upon his sister the way he does now, with such love and reverence that he would always feel for Rhae. Cae feels as though he has spoken more in the last moments than he has in a lifetime, but for his sister he would do his best to come out of his shell. "You look well, Gaia, are you in these woods still or have you made a pack home?" Making himself comfortable beside his sister he's reclining on almost white haunches, though he does well to seat himself close enough to her that his slightly darker top coat is just barely touching her own.

He did not think he wanted to seek out any of the packs within Moladian, as none of them had ever particularly called to him. Even the plains that had been his home for a time did not beckon him with their wild flowers or shore line by the sea. Always the earth toned wolf had enjoyed the forrest his parents seem to favour; the very forrest that he and his sister were in now. Perhaps he would make it in him to remain a nomad forever, as his parents were before them before Asteraia had even come into existence, and maybe Gaia would like that as well. He couldn't know that she had her own cave somewhere already, but in time perhaps all would be revealed.

html & image by dante for chloe. wolf & background.


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