Carden Alvar Nature Board by Bob BowlesTook a friend for a tour

On Sunday, April 30, I took a friend for his first visit to the Carden Plain. The Osprey's had returned to their nest on the west side of 35, south of Hwy 48 and he got some awsome in-flight photos of them as they landed on the nest. The pond, just north of the nest was abundant with painted turtles, all neatly layered on the logs along the east bank as they basked in the warm sun.

Wylie Road had lots to see... lots of bluebirds and swallows, Wilson Snipes, Upland Sandpipers, Brown Thrashers, Meadowlarks, Towhees, Redwinged Blackbirds, Sedge Wrens, Spruce Grouse and many others that were just to quick to identify. As usual, the Loggerhead Shrikes were seen at Box #10. A Canada Goose is nesting very close to the road on the east side of the Sedge Wren Marsh.

At one shady spot on Wylie Road, we found an abundance of wildflowers, bloodroot, hepaticas, trout lillies, and trilliums in bud. the real treat was the Spring Azure butterflies.

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