Bird Photos from the Carden Alvar Posted on June 7, 2006 at 02:31:52 AM by Bob Mayes
On Monday, June 5 John Warnica and myself spent a full day birding and trying to photograph the birds that we encountered.
We had an early start and arrived at Wylie Road arount 7:00 am.
Some of the birds that we saw include:
Upland Sandpipers, Eastern Meadowlarks, Eastern Kingbirds, Eastern Bluebirds, Red-winged Blackbirds (no surprise), Field Sparrows, Brown Thrasher, Song Sparrows, Eastern Towhee, Male Golden-winged Warbler, Brown-headed Cowbirds, Philadelphia Vireo, Savannah Sparrows, Baltimore Orioles, Belted Kingfisher, Great Blue Heron, Bobolink,
plus a few others that we didn't get to photograph this visit.
We spent most of our time on Wylie Road but did venture to Prospect Rd and Canal Lake via Hwy 33 on the way home to Barrie.