Summer birding and Henslow's Sparrow Posted on July 14, 2006 at 05:15:09 PM by Scott Watson
I finally went to Wylie Road this morning to try my luck at a little birding. I was worried that it would be a couple weeks late to see the Henslow's Sparrows, and that many species would be hidden away in mid-July.
I arrived at the designated sparrow location at 4:45 this morning. I was somewhat early and was left waiting in the dark. At 5:30 I heard a Henslow's Sparrow about 100 feet west from the fence line. At 5:45 I had my first ever view of a Henslow's Sparrow, perched mid-way up a stalk of grass. After 20 seconds of good views from 50 feet the bird hopped back down to the ground and moved off. I waited another hour and a half at the same location but no more Henslow's could been heard or seen. Unfortunate for the people that came at around 7 o'clock. Other good birds seen were, two Common Nighthawks in aireal display in full daylight!, Virginia Rail and 3 young at Sedge Wren marsh, and all other grassland specialties. Replies: There have been no replies.