This active check started on November 11th, 2006 and will end on November 25th, 2006.

Do not post a new message. Reply to my message only.
Put the name(s) of your character(s) in the subject of your message. Include if they are aging or going on hiatus.

In the body of your post:
Character name

If your character is NOT on the Members page, or if their profile needs to be updated (age changes, etc.), please copy and paste their entire profile from your original joining post (use Search on the Joining Board to find it). Only post once.


Active Check [reply to this message]

Hopefully the members list really will be updated this time, with the extra helpers.

If your character is already on the members list, you only need to post their name IN THE SUBJECT.

If your character isn't on the members list, OR if their profile needs to be updated (age changes, etc.), please copy and paste their entire profile from your original joining post (use Search on the joining board to find it) in your reply to this message, OR get it from the last active check (below), in case it's no longer on the joining board.

This will save me the time of going through the joining board and OOC Board to make sure the members list and profiles are up to date.

-Make sure you reply to this post.
-Do not reply to a reply to this post and do not start a new thread.
-Post only once.


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