The air is heavy as you make your way through unknown territory, as you pause to sniff the air a drop of rain falls onto your nose. It is soon followed by another and another and soon the rain is pelting down in sheets, soaking you to the bone. The clouds are an angry purple and the menacing drumming of thunder rolls over the sky. Squinting your eyes against the blinding water you find yourself at the edge of a large, dark pine forest. You are too desperate for shelter to notice the scents that mark the border and plunge in, and nearly into the chilly stream that runs through the territory. You veer away and as you are shaking the water out of your fur you notice a large pair of icy blue shards gazing at you. The storm has passed now and beams of sunlight filter through the thick canopy of pines, illuminating a massive male wolf not three feet away from where you stand.

His pelt looks like a bad patchwork job of black and white and beneath them you see large, hard bands of steely muscle and you know this is a warrior for his torso is marred with many battle scars. His banner curls over his back and his lips are drawn, exposing sharp ivory daggers. When he speaks his voice is deep and dominant, like the thunder you so recently heard.

"Wolf, you have found yourself in the terra of the Andere Seite Pack. I am Eclipse, king of this land."

It is only then that you notice another pair of lanterns gleaming in the penumbra and a dark-pelted fae slinks out into the clearing to stand next to the king, her own banner waves and her green and blue eyes bore into you. She is the same size as most males and a crisscrossing pattern of scars show that she too can take care of herself. Her voice is cold and has a snake-like sound to it yet you can see they are both fair rulers.

"And I am Nephthys, queen of Andere. We don’t care much for strangers so you must make your choice, Submit to us now or flee our lands and never return. If you fail to do either you will have little time left to regret it."

The formidable pair pierces you with their gaze and you feel as if all your secrets spill out before them. You are left with a decision now. Will you submit and take refuge in this dark forest or will you flee and never know what secrets these trees hide? Make haste, you can see that the pair grow tired of waiting.


Wandering soul

Kenji was a traitor was he? It might have seemed so from Plagues point of view. Kenji thought he had done the right thing, but he didn't quite feel like he was up to the task of fighting this alpha. He was calling Eclipse a traitor. H e was mad but managed to keep his temper. He didn't bother to say anything either. Plague was a thick headed brute who thought of nothing but power. Power that Kenji experienced when he lunged at him and broke his leg with one swift motion. He didn't cry out in pain as it surged through his entire body. When Plague stepped back Kenji managed to stand. He looked at the paw, lifeless in the air. "ooooh! What a cheap shot! That F****** hurt! I'm going to feel that for a long time." Just as he had finished his rant of pain the brute lunged at him again. He suddenly couldn't breath. Everything became fuzzy, including his vision. The pain seemed very far off like he was seeing himself getting killed. His limp body was thrown aside. His breathing was so shallow that Plague had not noticed he was still alive. Barely hanging on by whatever thread of blood was left in his veins after his Jugular had been torn open. His head was swimming in an Olympic sized swimming pool and he could barely make out any shapes with his now hazy eyes. He began to hear someone shouting, it echoed through every fiber of his being. It suddenly hit him. That was his mind yelling at him. No! It can't end here. All through your life that hasn't really done anything in significance, there is nothing you have done to make your stupid blip of life worth living. These words surged through him until he felt some small strength returning. Plagues back was turned as he talked to some fae who had shown up to his call. He quietly got up, the only thought running through his head was, I can't die yet. He limped away with some primeval instinct to survive burning his fur. He only hoped that this wolf, whom he never knew until now, would have the heart not to hint to Plague that Kenji was alive. His half-dead form disappeared into the forest, maybe never to be seen again in this pack. I'll be back, echoed through his mind. When he thought he was far enough away from his old home, he found enough energy to howl back to Plague, "I will return. This isn't over"

  • Um? -
    LOL -
    Just Gotta Let It Go... -

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