
Thank you for blogging. I know it is not a panacea.

Will GM and Ford and Toyota be selling gas cars with a lifecycle of ten years in 2020? Yes. Then to keep order in an economy with 300 million people, or 6 billion people, we better do some drilling for crude oil here at home.
( not natural gas ) Africa has stability problems. M.E.N.D, a terrorist group in Nigeria, wants to know why we can't drill in our own country or change our driving and living profiles. Like living in Borodino and driving to Syr for work.
Goodluck Johathan is the next President of Nigeria? Or will he be killed by radicals this year? The Arabs say ditto. So if we use 10 million barrels a day for transportation fuels, and if liberals are half our driving population, 125 million vehicles,
( suvs, luxury cars and mini-vans etc..) then the liberals should figure out where they want to get the 5 mbd of oil, not N.G., or the 70 billion gallons of gas us liberals use in our cars. ( Half of 138 billion gallons of gasoline annually used by both parties is approx. 70bga ). .

I hate drilling also. But what is a realistic, vialble alternative besides 5 million EVs and 30 bilion in Alternative fuels by 2030? MTV?

Joe Vecchio, super liberal democrat looking for reality's best friend fantasy. Didn't fantasy marry ideology who later fell in love with philosophy? They had twins and named them Liberal and Conservative. What ever happen to them?

PS for my next film project called THE VOTER, I am interviewing voters about their energy ideas. Please call me if interested in being in the musical movie. Singing is allowed.
Gasoline Joe. Keeping it real.....


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