Traydon River

This river is famously known for its fish!


((sorry for the long delay >.> my muse completely died for this thread))

Take nodded. "I'll be in soon," he said, waiting for Ryu to return. He needed to have a little talk with the pup about respect. When he came back the large wolf told him, "Now let's wait untl your mother and siblings go inside. I need to have a talk with you," he said, eyeing the young pup. "But bring that inside, first," he finished, motioning with his head towards the cave entrance.

Calypso snorted. Yeah right, like he would be sorry. She flicked her tail and padded inside the den, her head and tail held high. "Fine, Mom." she sighed, ducking dow inside and straightening out the pelts on the floor. She sat down and wrapped her tail around her paws, closing her eyes and breathing deeply. She wouldn't let anger take a hold of her, besides, she should at least save her strength for something actually worth fighting for. She gave a wistful sigh and waited for her brother and mother.

Hayazo growled softly as he walked inside the den after Calypso. His brother could be so annoying sometimes. He was happy his sister wasn't so.. irritating. The young pup gave his own sigh as he sat next to his sister. "Hey, Cal, sorry.." he whimpered in her ear. He was sorry he couldn't do anything about Ryu's teasing. He would if he could...

"It's not a big deal," Calypso sighed, even though she thought to herself: Yes it is, She was sort of tired of it. Maybe her father would speak to him about it soon... She sure hoped so.


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