Carden Alvar Nature Board by Bob BowlesRe(2): Gosling

Very well put! I have to agree with all the details here whole-heartily. Compassion, may be misplaced as in this situation regarding the gosling and the snapping turtle, but it shouldn't be given a totally bad rap either. Compassion is what directed me personally onto a path into a career in fish and wildlife management, wildlife art and presently, wildlife rehabilitation(now here is a group that are endangered!). Compassion takes me on long drives to monitor roads for injured turtles and rescue. Compassion helps me find the correct way to deal with young people that are distressed about an injured bird or mammal they have found. My first rescued wildlife patient as a child was a house sparrow, so common, but important just the same. I really do believe that environmental education and an understanding of the natural world is essential, but compassion is sometimes the driving force and spark that makes us often take that next proactive step for change.


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