Traydon River

This river is famously known for its fish!


She looked at Darcia, very surprised when he told her she was a goddess. Juliet blinked and looked taken aback; he was talking about her as if he was in love with her. It was rather strange, but she felt happy to have that feeling inside her that somebody cared about her. Even if they had just only met. She didn’t reply to his words, just flush pink and smile a little.

The talk of rabbits pleased her. But no, she could catch a rabbit easily and quickly with a few short steps. She wanted something different… That’s very nice of you to offer me, but I think I’ve had enough rabbits in my life to feed an army. she giggled. Plus, I would feel terrible having you catch something for me…but, I would much like to catch a fish. Would you mind showing me your technique? Personally I find it hard catching them she looked at him expectantly, blue eyes blinking.

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