Traydon River

This river is famously known for its fish!

|Ater Metus|

A golden pair of creatures were sitting by the river looking deep into it's depths and seemingly waiting for something. The wolf and Cat-Faced Gryphon had been hanging around Traydon for a few months now, living in a den that used to be where his friend's family used to live. He had permission to live there at least, but he had not seen Hayazo for a long time now. The golden colored, young adult wolf sat and sighed. Elias was happy to have Aska around but he did worried about the grey and white wolf that was his friend. Aska already was an adult, not that it accounted much for size. The Cat-Faced gryphon was about as large as a lynx and looked like an orange tabby cat in color. Her long feathery tail flicked about and her scaly feet finally touched the water as she slowly entered, her slit gold eyes locked on something within the water.

Elias watched her as she slid into the shallows, not smiling, but the wolf brute had a neutral look on maw. Watching his friend and partner, Elias gave a few tail wags when she sliced her paw into the water then pulled out a rather average sized trout. It was hooked on her claws and the feline-like-mythical finished it off quickly with a bite. Taking it up to the shore Aska dropped it. Then repeated the process several more times until 5 fish were sitting before Elias of different sizes.

"Wow Aska!" The male wolf started his tail wagging, "You are so good at fishing!" He then used his fire blessing on the fish to cook them, leaving them smelling quite delicious. Elias never liked uncooked fish, Aska didn't mind it either way but the flavor was always a bit better when cooked.

"Let's eat!" Aska mewed picking up the first trout she had caught and started digging in, ripping off the scales and digging into the meat. Elias did as well though slowly. His tail waved lightly happy with the meal that his friend had caught for them.


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