Malignant Felicity is a paradisaical abode to the faithful remains of a mighty pack. Once ruled by the magnificent wolf Genocide, now the wolves of this pack follow the laws of the Alpha Lance, son of Sorna, Beta and Genocide's best friend...

The sounds of crashing water fill your auds as you enter this tropical paradise. The tall trunks tower above you. The treetop canopy's seem to shade the beautiful land from the sun's rays. What a paradise this place seems. This place dubbed Malignant Felicity. As you draw closer to the boarders a stench slowly devours the air around you. The stench of death.

"Beware..." scream the birds from above you. "She kills for games. She kills for fun." Something deep inside tells you to listen. Your body tells you not to go no further. Do you listen or do you dare move into the pack borders. This could be a life or death decision...

Follow the Queen, or become a corpse that lines her border. The choice lies with you.


In The Dead Of Night(Pack Meeting Cont.)

Calypso could hear the low growl coming from Devil May Cry, and she noticed how the femme was holding his gaze, very stupid on her part. Aqua orbs watched as the ebony male’s anger rises, and his growls become more pronounced, making her want to add her own to show her displeasure at the bickering. Instead, she remained silent, ready for any command, although she half doubted it would come. Queens and Devil would probably want to handle this, to make it clear who hold positions here, and who didn’t. Looking to Queen’s she saw the lead lady’s head give a shake, letting her know everything would be handled. Noticing Devil’s sun colored gaze coming towards her, she waited to see if he was giving her permission, but they held only...curiosity maybe? It wasn’t long before her attention went back to the two pairs of siblings, who were driving her to a pissed off stage, it was so rude of them to cause such a scandal at a royal meeting. Especially with the Queen of the lands present, it showed that they had no class, or brains in her opinion.

Towers pricked when she heard the sound of Devil’s voice, pretty much putting the newcomers in place, and chewing them out a little. Once he was done, the male went back to where he had been sitting, his angry side almost non apparent. Hearing the bitch named Belleza’s reply, her own lethal fangs clinched into view for a moment, before she was able to reign herself in. They became covered again, but she sent a poisoned look to the other femora, daring her to challenge a ranked wolf of this pack again. She had better be lucky it hadn’t been Calypso beside her instead of Incubbus or Varg. The red, white, and tanned goddess resisted a roll of her orbs when they switched positions. Devil May Cry had sent her a command with his orbs, letting her know if Queens didn’t, he would handle it. Perhaps the whole thing would be done with now. Another voice broke the air, the one named Succubus, was apologizing for her brother, and then gave excuses. She even continued on to say they would only tolerate the other pair, and hearing the brother’s rumble, she looked to him to see his gaze on Niko. Hell, if he went after that pup, there was no way his sister was getting him out of that jam, he’d probably be shredded by every pack member here.

Catching movement, she saw Queens’ form head toward the bickering sibling pair, and she watched as she pressed her body on Inccubus own. Calypso knew the alphess was up to something, and she watched, waiting for her to put the brute in his rightful place. It wasn’t long before she attacked him, making swift movements that soon had his throat in her jaws, and the multi hued wolfess waited to see if he would be killed. He must have had some kind of luck on his side, for the alphess soon let him go. She headed back to the rock, where the night colored beta, had been ready to back the alpha up. Auds came forth to listen to the sugary voice that filled the air. Respect each other and no fighting, that was what it was basically about, that and she would kill the wolf who broke those rules. Queens turned around, and spoke, saying she won’t give another warning, and Calypso couldn’t help but agree, she knew what packs were like. Sea colored jewels noted the way Devil looked to Queens, and she realized he must be taken, no fun there then. Belleza and Varg gave nods of agreement to the alphess, and finally showed some respect. Succubus and Inccubus soon did the same, both groups remaining quiet.

Another wolf appeared into the clearing, and the late arrival turned out to be Silver Bullet, a brute she had already met in her short time here. Silver Bullet glanced around at everyone, probably taking in what had just happened, when she noticed he was breathing hard. The male must have ran all the way here, from wherever he had been. His silvery gray form headed in her direction, and he was seated next to her, when he looked to Queens with disappointment. The words that filled the air from him caused a amused smirk from Calypso, and she couldn’t help but let whispered words out, for Silver Bullet’s auds alone. It was clear her tone of voice was teasing and meant it as a joke, even though Queens really almost had killed the male.

Don‘t you mean entray?

When he nudged her, she allowed her tail to aim a tap at his hip, and if it was too low, then maybe she would of hit his speckled hind leg. She sent him a playful smile, and turned her main focus back on the back meeting, but she was still aware of the brute beside her. Calypso then noticed that Llorana wasn’t still standing where she last saw the ivory femora. A quick glance around saw her with Niko, and she soon turned her attention away, and while nothing was going on, she turned her attention back to Silver Bullet. Parting her maw, she allowed her feminine lyrics forth again, trying to make small talk.

How long have you been in Malignant?

While she waited for an answer, if it came, she caught sight of a father and son duo entering the clearing. The older male went to Queens, and then submitted, and only saying your majesty. Well, at least he did better then the group before, and she wondered if their would be any more drama at this meeting.


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