Traydon River

This river is famously known for its fish!

|Ater Metus|

The golden pair were enjoying the meal that Aska had happily provided them. Plenty was there for them to eat and enjoy this day, and as Elias cooked their second course he knew that they probably had too much for them both to consume. Elias looked over the few remaining fish that they had, knowing that it wouldn’t be eaten and couldn’t be saved, for fish could be horrible fresh and leaving it made it unbearable for the wolf, they would have to bury it or throw it back in the river to let other fish consume. Not a bad idea, but it was a waste. When the pair started into their second fish, Elias’ nose could only scent the cooked smell of their food, not Hayazo who was quickly approaching them. Elias had not given a second thought to where he had gone and why he hadn’t come back. He was sure that eventually Hayazo would come back and rejoin him and Aska here at the River at his family’s old den. Every day Elias expected to be booted out by one of Hay’s family members but it seemed that Hayazo was correct in saying that it was completely abandoned. With that Elias had taken upon moving in with his similar sized companion he knew that Hayazo wouldn’t mind, and this way, the wolf brute that Elias so cared about, as a friend or so he thought, would know where to come and find him.

Partway into their second course, the feline was first to look around and feel the presence of the grey brute approaching them. She didn’t see him, and the winged mythical thought that she was simply edgy. After all that they had been through and being raised by someone who was paranoid, made her a bit paranoid as well. She turned to her fish again and was just about to take a bite when a familiar voiced called out to the pair of them. She stood up and Elias almost jumped ten feet in the air, not expecting the call. Exciment clearly showed on Elias’ visage however, as the soft gold eyes landed on the grey brute’s blue.

“Hayazo! You are back!” The young male bounded towards his friend tail waving wildly above his back and eyes glittering brightly. It didn’t take long for the mostly white brute to reach Hayazo. He stopped just in front of the male, unaware of the inner troubles he was having, or the idea that he might think Elias mad for leaving them here for so long on their own. It was quite different. The brute was very excited to see Hayazo home and safe, not angry that he left only pleased that he returned. “You want some fish? I can use fire on it and make it taste better if you don’t really like it.” The brute started in excitedly, treating Hay as if he might have been gone for a few hours rather than a few weeks.

The Cat Faced Gryphon didn’t move away from their catches, but was equally happy to see the return of Hayazo. She knew how close the pair were of sorts. She never really took notice in that Elias may have had deeper feelings for Hayazo other than that of a good friend. She only hoped that he would not be upset that they still lived in his father’s den. Last she heard he really didn’t like coming back here for any reason.


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