Traydon River

This river is famously known for its fish!

[Life Can Do Terrible Things]

The brute grinned, waving his fluffy tail. He barked happily as Elias came bounding towards him, obviously holding no animosity towards Hayazo if the excitement in his voice was proven to be true. I am! Hay laughed, his friend's excitment rubbing off on him. He pranced around in a small circle before leaping up onto the bank of the river, looking down at Elias with one eye bright blue, and the other a foggy grey in color. Being blind in one eye didn't really bother him, as it was all he had ever known.

Um, sure. Hayazo said, tilting his head. He wasn't actually sure if he had ever even had fish before, though he did live by a river for most of his life.. He pushed the thoughts away, instead focusing on the joyful bubbly emotion that he was feeling upon seeing his good friend. It seemed like only a little while ago that they had met, but in reality it was more then a few months. His memory back that far was foggy, and that trouble him somewhat, but he had the present and that was all he needed. For now, at least.

So what have you been up too.. In my absence? Hay asked, shaking the water off of his pelt from when he had crossed the river. He hoped that they had been fine when he was gone.


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