Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


’o death.

when God is gone, and the Devil takes hold
I don’t know why I feel obliged to greet her, but I do.

All my life I had been the royalty; the regal that others looked up to and followed. Even with Sugar, my newest and one of my dearest friends had looked to me in her time of need; and yet when I had met Satowra it seemed that all my devotion had turned from myself, and onto her. It had intimidated me at first, this sudden loyalty I felt for her- I hadn’t ever experienced such a thing before other then for my parents, and that was a given. Because, well, they were my parents and the Alpha’s of Eis after all- my birthe pack of course. It had been my fate to follow after my father, reigning as Alpha but I had altered my course and chosen different for myself. They hadn’t understood but they had allowed it- they were both fair leaders and so had accepted my decision. It seemed that with time I myself had grown to accept my devotion then aimed toward Satowra- and then she had left. My Lady had left without a single word to anyone other then Tamlin- and that was only to hand over her role of Alpha before disappearing. And so I ran. I ran far from Bright Moon, to the heart of Blossom Forest and found my sanction there at the Lake, where I came across an ethereal lady by the name of Soul. It was because of her that I returned to Bright Moon when I did, with her in tow of course. I had slunk back to Tamlin just when he was calling his pack meeting- and he had forgiven me in a heartbeat. I was grateful to him for this reason, and yet still I continued to resent Satowra. She had abandoned us, abandoned me just when I needed her the most.

Emotions and thoughts clash and churn within my mind as I make my decision. After making sure Sugar was settled with her children in my wonderful little abode, I had taken my leave, knowing very well they would be safe there. I decided that I would in fact go to the border to meet Satowra, though I knew Raylen was ahead of me and was already present. It comforted me slightly to know the golden boy would be there by my side, and hopefully not quite by her own. After all, she had left without a word to him as well and it must have stung him just as much as it had myself. But regardless of any of that- I knew I had to see her, had to see for myself that she was back. Taking care to keep my pawsteps light and undetectable, I make good time in approaching the two very familiar wolves. I don’t pause before entering the clearing, but I did make sure to compose both my facial expression as well as my bright citrine gaze. While my golden irises were usually the maximum of expressive beacons- I now kept them blank, completely void of any emotion and feeling. I couldn’t let her see how much she had hurt me; I didn’t want to let her see that weakness. I didn’t want her to have that control over me anymore, and I would do all in my power to fight the urge to bow my head to her. With one last mental sigh, I finally allowed my large, russet paws to carry me out from within the foliage to approach the pair. My gaze falls first on Raylen, his pristine golden pelt as brilliant as ever, and I cannot help the gentle smile that curls up my lips at the sight of my brother; oh, how I’ve missed him so.

Nor can I help the love and pleasure from radiating within my citrine irises, directed solely for him as I approach. I still have not even glanced Satowra’s way, and I continue to do so until I am right by Raylen’s side. Upon reaching him, I make a deliberate gesture of greeting him as my own brother and pack member- which he of course is. Reaching out affectionately I give him a light nip on the shoulder before knocking my muzzle lightly against his. I don’t nuzzle him or caress him exactly, but I show him just how much I love and care for him. After drawing away and positioning myself closely beside him, in almost a rather protective manner- I then allow my golden irises to focus on the lady before me. And my, what a sight she is. Gone is her regality. Gone is her prowess. Gone is her confident aura. Gone is her spark. She looks a hollow shell of the wolf I used to know, and I’m sorely tempted to grimace in disgust at the sight of her. But of course, I do no such thing. Nor do I show her the same love and affection I just did for Raylen. Instead, I keep both my gaze and facial expression completely blank, giving nothing away but a certain numbness. I honestly don’t know what to say to her, what to think or what to do around her. She was my first Alpha to ever bend my will under, and that feeling to serve her will never leave my soul- nor will that feeling of betrayal. She betrayed us, betrayed me when she left, and in the act of simply slipping away, without another word.. the fact infuriated me but as before, I kept cool and let none of this show.

Instead, I only allow two words to slip forth past my black lips, my tenor voice with its usual sweet and tender tones coming forth rather edgy and toneless. There is no warmth, but there is no malice or anger within either. Instead; there is simply nothing. “Hello.. Satowra.” For the first time in a very long time, I allow myself to speak her name out loud. My reaction has my frame flinching slightly- but wether of happiness or pain I do not allow that to be shown. It was involuntary for my body, and I curse myself silently as I await both Raylen and Satowra's greetings in return, curious to just how things will play out at this point.

who'll have mercy on my soul


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