Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


’o death.

when God is gone, and the Devil takes hold
I could not handle her return, and even when I had gone to greet her, I had still done what I did in the first place. I ran. I ran through my home that is Bright Moon, but the only difference this time is that I did not cross the border. I had abandoned my home once already, I had unfaithfully fled where my devotion lie; and I would not do it again. Be that as it may that the Lady was back, I would not be such a coward again. But I could not face her, no, I could not stick around and watch that pathetic pain in her face. For it had a troublesome effect on me; it stung me, pulled at my heart-strings and made me yearn to reach out to her. That was something I could not do, would not do- no. Her abandonment had gouged a wound too deep in my soul to simply forgive her like that, as kind of a wolf as I may be. At first I had aimed to return to my den, where I had left Sugar.. but something told me she would be alright, besides; the new mother probably wanted a bit of space after everything that had happened to her in the last few weeks. Though I did want to see her children, to see how they were faring and growing up in the world- that little one that had flipped over when I had first inspected him, little.. Oreo Twist I think his name was? He had taken my interest greatly so, but I would return to the little family in time. Currently, I was content to meander about the territory of Bright Moon, occasionally placing a scent marker as was my duty as Gamma of the pack, along with border patrol. But when passing by our most Northern border, a certain familiar, peculiar scent wafted across my russet muzzle. A certain name popped into my mind, of a certain clumsy, ungainly female teenager I had met many, many months ago; Euphie.

The girl had disappeared just after our first meeting, when I had led her to one of Bright Moons many fresh water springs to help her clean the soot from her pelt. We had romped and played and had a marvelous time; until she had disappeared from just beneath my nose. It seemed all the females about me had vanished out of thin air, but it was not the same as when Satowra had left. Satowra had had a duty to me, to us all; she was supposed to be our Alpha, or leader to whom we could look to when we needed her, but she had abandoned us. Euphie was merely an Omega of Bright Moon, with no real responsibilities; and though her disappearance had hurt my soul in a way only a friend could, her return brought an uplifting in my chest. Instead of the dread I felt when my Lady was first scented on the border; now hope and joy was bubbling up within my breast. Arching my tail across my rump to the position of Gamma, yet not exactly thinking about it, I let the appendage wriggle and flick across my lower back in all the excitement I felt at Euphie’s return. Turning my russet hued frame immediately in the direction the girls scent wandered off to, I took off at a fast sprint. I came upon her sooner than I had thought, and stumbled upon her in a fashion I would later think to be expected of herself. I did not see the girls curled up fourm before me until my large paws were caught on her shoulders, before my body was launched completely over hers and I was sent tumbling head over heels. I ended up landing sprawled on my stomach, with all four limbs splayed out on either side of him. Shaking my skull absently to and fro, attempting to clear the disorientation of my stumble, I try to push my large frame up from the earth to try and face my old friend.

The moment I even attempt to put weight on my limbs, my body fails me and I’m back flat on my stomach, still facing away from Euphie. With a frustrated growl, mixed in with a desperate whine with want to see her, I begin wriggling my hardest to try and turn my body to face her, aching to see someone that would make me happy. Lo and behold, when I manage to face the girl; I am in for a rather shocking sight. Gone is the lanky teenager I had welcomed within Bright Moon, her childness stolen by the hiatus she had taken; only to be replaced with a sort of ethereal beauty, simply accenting her long legs that she had finally grown into. Though she was still rather disproportional, Euphie had filled out in her muscles and her beauty with age, and her eyes even brought a stifling gasp past my dark lips. They had brightened considerably with the time that had passed, and I found my own bright citrine gaze widening as they locked on to hers, unable to draw away. I must have looked quite the gaping idiot, with my mouth hanging open and my eyes wide as can be, sprawled out before her several feet away. All thoughts of Satowra and Tamlin and even Raylen were all gone, all thoughts of sadness and despair instantly evaporated. Even Sugar was completely replaced from my mind with the girl before me as I continued to gaze upon her with wonder, the friend I had only just begun to know so many months ago. With the best of my ability, I managed to croak out a greeting in my handsome tones, sounding rather cheerful when I had been so utterly miserable not moments before seeing her. “Fancy seeing you here… beautiful.” I couldn’t help it as I tacked on the word at the end, nor the rather large, goofy, comical grin that spread across my black lips immediately after. It was simply the affect Euphie had on me, apparent when we first had met and sure as hell apparent now.

who'll have mercy on my soul


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