The Cavern of Secrets holds much more than you can imagine. Once a forbidden place, the ban on entrance has been released...yet, is it a good idea to enter?

Once a great battle had been fought in this cavern, against a dark beast that had once - and still might - dwell here. No one knows where he disappeared to, but there are rumours...


Beware the Ides of March

As soon as she is up and ready to go, the hessian turns his cranial yet again in the direction of the stench. Because of his attention to where she was and not what she was saying, Knyghte was unable to catch some of her words to him earlier- but when her subtle question, why me, came out, his head snapped back and a soft, yet somewhat hurt look played upon his palette. “Because you were there… however, if you do not wish to come, Lady Rylee, I can bring you back to the surface- it is never too late to turn back. It’s not rude.” He stared at her for the longest time, piercing blue stargazers breaking the tension that had grown like a thick miasma between the two. Then, he starts off after Rylee announces the words, lead the way. The glow worms have started to weave their webs as of late, and the little blue lures in their rears have begun to flicker on and off- but of course, Knyghte can’t see this, nor can he smell the webs because of the increasing stench of well… crap. “I apologize for having you go through this- you’ll need a bath by the end of it.” And so on he goes, weaving his way past the glowing piles of dung and into a larger room. In this area, there are two tunnels leading out, though to where, one can only guess (unless your Knyghte and have grown up in the caverns for a long time when you were seeing). Silence. It’s terrible- although it’s never really silent is it? One’s heartbeat still pounds against the ribcages and increases its volume with each thundering impact- does it not? Inhaling and exhaling air creates a wind pipe sound that can only be described as beautiful to those who no longer revel in the spoils of the seeing.

Knyghte was not going to lie. Being blind… he rarely acknowledged the fact- many times he all-together forgot about it. He was so into what the thrill of living as he is now instead of what he used to is like, that he plain out dumped the hard feelings of pain and sorrow for himself. Instead, he embraced the impairment and decided to build it into his frame of which his portrait for Fenris had been placed. For many long minutes, the two walked, and Knyghte couldn’t help but wonder if Rylee could see the meaning behind the glow worms. How beautiful yet deadly they were. “Well. Now is where I leave you. May Tor be with you.” Over time, Knyghte had been slowly moving back behind the lass, intentionally without making it obvious, and now, his frame pushed her against the hole to the right, where a slight draft was coming through. Whatever made gravity bend itself here was unknown to the bastard, but the bandit placed a kiss on her maw, and bumped her down into the tunnel. The laws of motion would pull her down and around a bit, at the end, she would end up at the surface and, even if she tried to crawl back, the drop here was of extreme height, and only those with supervarg skills would be able to climb back up. In any case, the ghost would probably never see the female again- unless she took weeks of learning how the caves played out… but that would be extremely dangerous and risky.

Like every tree stands on its own- reaching for the sky I stand alone. I share my world with no one else, all by myself... I stand alone. "I know the sound of each rock and stone, and I embrace what others fear. You are not to roam in this forgotten place- just the likes of me are welcome here."

Vampire || Adult || Wanderer || Loveless
word count: 594
k i k i

ahahaaaa.... they SHALL meet again... he likes her already... sorry for powerplaying... TT_TT i had no muse WHATSOEVER! but i didn't want to keep you waiting <3


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