The Lost Islands

From a summers thread, Mafioso

The softly golden mare sidled up along the coast her hair a wild waving sea of creamy tresses as the wind buffeted against her frame. Her blue orbs narrowed as she caught his scent lingering on the wind and started forward. Winter was five now and was no longer the sweet perky mare of her younger years, no her time on the islands had hardened the mare, melting away her plump and sweet temper. Her hooves sunk into the wet sand as she sloughed up the beach eagerly awaiting the firm footing of the grassy bank. Lighting tore across the sky putting a spooky light behind her frosty eyes. He will know by now surely that a mare is here, if that scoundrel remembers me then I will be surprised. Winter picked up her pace her ears twitched at every sound let it be her own or that of her world as she headed into the heart of the territory.
She careened into a clearing letting her presence be audibly known to the lead stallion. The flash of lightning light up the skies once more before the trees shook with a clap of thunder rolling in the distance. She glared up at the sky since the rain had yet to make an appearance. “A little dramatic don’t you think?” She spoke to the sky her voice still the soft tinkling of bells as it had always been, just adding to her persona as a sweetling. Winter lashed her tail out violently a smirk playing at her lips. Come on then stallion show yourself. A drop of precipitation splattered across her nose as the golden mare backed into the trees. The heavens let loose with the rain letting it splash down in huge drops releasing the wonderful scents of trees and grass. Oh how I have missed you islands, I have missed your fowl temperament. Winter smiled and cocked her hind hoof up relaxing her hip to wait for the male to make himself known.


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