Carden Alvar Butterfly and Dragonfly Counts Posted on July 23, 2012 at 03:37:18 PM by Bob Bowles
It is amazing how thing change out in Carden from year to year. When I started these Butterfly and Dragonfly Counts 15 years ago there were species we would not expect to find this far north. The best way to describe the alvar this year was crisp, dry and brown with even traditional water hole dried up. The butterfly count on Saturday failed to find any White Admirals or Red Admirals but 5 Little Glassywings, a southern species and 147 Monarchs. The dragonfly count on Sunday had several surprises of southern species. 84 Halloween Pennants, 113 Eastern Pondhawks and 74 Blue Dashers were recorded. Not one of these species were in this area when I started this count 15 years ago and have only been found in the last few years but look at how quickly there numbers are growing. This is where having data over a number of years for species counts really helps us tell how things are changing with warmer winters and higher temperatures year around. Replies: There have been no replies.