The air is heavy as you make your way through unknown territory, as you pause to sniff the air a drop of rain falls onto your nose. It is soon followed by another and another and soon the rain is pelting down in sheets, soaking you to the bone. The clouds are an angry purple and the menacing drumming of thunder rolls over the sky. Squinting your eyes against the blinding water you find yourself at the edge of a large, dark pine forest. You are too desperate for shelter to notice the scents that mark the border and plunge in, and nearly into the chilly stream that runs through the territory. You veer away and as you are shaking the water out of your fur you notice a large pair of icy blue shards gazing at you. The storm has passed now and beams of sunlight filter through the thick canopy of pines, illuminating a massive male wolf not three feet away from where you stand.

His pelt looks like a bad patchwork job of black and white and beneath them you see large, hard bands of steely muscle and you know this is a warrior for his torso is marred with many battle scars. His banner curls over his back and his lips are drawn, exposing sharp ivory daggers. When he speaks his voice is deep and dominant, like the thunder you so recently heard.

"Wolf, you have found yourself in the terra of the Andere Seite Pack. I am Eclipse, king of this land."

It is only then that you notice another pair of lanterns gleaming in the penumbra and a dark-pelted fae slinks out into the clearing to stand next to the king, her own banner waves and her green and blue eyes bore into you. She is the same size as most males and a crisscrossing pattern of scars show that she too can take care of herself. Her voice is cold and has a snake-like sound to it yet you can see they are both fair rulers.

"And I am Nephthys, queen of Andere. We don’t care much for strangers so you must make your choice, Submit to us now or flee our lands and never return. If you fail to do either you will have little time left to regret it."

The formidable pair pierces you with their gaze and you feel as if all your secrets spill out before them. You are left with a decision now. Will you submit and take refuge in this dark forest or will you flee and never know what secrets these trees hide? Make haste, you can see that the pair grow tired of waiting.


broken and damned

Even as the words exited the ivory femme's mouth, my whole body froze. Time seemed to stop; If there was any possible way for that to happen. The numbers on the digital clock would have froze, or the hands would have held their position as if the batteries had just decided to lose the last ounce of their juice if there had been any such thing in these forrests. Along with the seconds, I could feel my topaz luminaries stare forward into an unknown land as my footfalls seized their rhythmic pattern. For a moment I swore I could feel my heart collapse onto a straight line and then begin to beat wildly. The thundering of my heartbeat in my ear drums echoed multiple times as I felt the sudden adraneline rush; Taru's lithe frame collected itself and she slowly turned around to face my own. We didn't say anything; Not a single word. Even our breathing was quiet to the point where everything just went completely silent.

My actions weren't thought about before I displayed them all too suddenly; It was a transformation from the heartbreak to blind fury. Leaping towards her in attemp to catch her with my jagged ivories, I snarled out visciously. Perhaps I had missed on purpose, or mayhaps my vision was blurred from my tears to the point where the trajectory was misjudged. Either way I knew I hadn't touched a single hair on the ess's body, but yet my verbal communication was enough to set her into a deeper depression than she already is. "How could you just sit there and watch it happen?! The moments she was taking her lasts breath you simply sat and watched as her heart stopped beating, you worthless bitch! You could have done something...You could have done anything.." My hackles raised and my teeth bared as I crouched down as if to spring in for another attack, but instead turned and bounded in the opposite direction. If she wasn't one of my pack mates, I would have killed her right then and there.

As the steam began to fade from my body, I knew I had grown past the phaze of anger and was reaching the point of depression over the next few days. The borders were silent, my queen's perfume unavailable for my nostrils to pick up on, and Clover's scent was faded to the point where I could barely make out she was ever here. Muscles started to tense again, the sorrow sinking in deeper than I would have liked it to. The satisfied emotion slowly crept away, sinking down into the ground below me and dissappearing into the molten lava within the center. Imaginary brows furrowed and I felt myself fault in my footing and stumble, but my mind was oblivious to everything. Tracing the stail scent, I wound up in traveling the night scene towards a clearing in the woods, where I stopped and let my ochroid optics scan every shadow, as if the young lass were to bound out towards me, flaunting how alive she was inside and cheering me up like she always could have. But it wasn't going to happen this time. Not now, not ever.

It hadn't ever crossed my mind to even ask Taru where he had died at, or how I hadn't come across her body in the packlands like I would think. Then again, for all I know her body could have dissolved into the ground by now, her bones burried and slowly becoming older and older; fossils that I would never wish to be dug up. Fossils I never wished were there. Golden luminaries stared at the ground as my body moved absentmindedly in a direction that even I had no idea where it was. Was I still in Andere Seite's borders? By the scent of Seline's perfume I knew I was still inside the imaginary line, but what side was I on? Heaving out a sigh, a single tear slipped down my cheek. But upon the stail scent of my Alphess, came an all-too-familiar and fresh scent, mixed with a strange oder that I had never smelt in my entire life. Raising my head in alert and great curiosity, I picked up speed and broke through the green foliage. Catching my breath, I couldn't believe the scene.

Once again it was one of those moments where time halted, and you were left standing there in awe. The only thought that crossed my mind, was that I must be hullicinating. The off-white color to her coat, the moss hued gems that stared up and glassed over as tears began to run down her cheeks. My mind had to be playin tricks..She was supposed to be dead. Or was she? But Taru wouldn't lie.. I knew I should ask; or say something instead of stand there and stare like an idiot, but my voice was caught in the back of my throat. Opening my mind, I attempted to speak, but nearly choked on my words. "Clover..." The low whisper rasped from my mouth, luckily audible by both of us if she was focused enough. My heart squeezed and I nearly tripped over my paws as I took a couple steps forward, and I knew it was her, no need to get get a review. There was so many how she wasn't standing to greet me like she normally would have. Was she weak? How was she still alive? ...Did she even remember who I was?

adult | male | subordinate of Andere Seite


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