The Lost Islands

just a shot in the dark

ariana -----
by spartan out of samara

It has been a little while since that moment of seclusion that Ariana had found with Tarrant, and she already feels different. She has no regrets about letting him take her in the heat of the moment; she’s grateful that for whatever reason, Wonka had decided to spend some time without his father that day. He’s surely a man by now. Somehow, the mare can’t imagine the bouncing gold and white yearling all grown up and actually taking life seriously.

She’d become fond of the easily excitable colt, adoring the way he had always craved stories of adventure. She thinks of her perilous escape from Cimarron and how she’d balked at the idea of relaying it to Wonka when he was so young. It’s been a while since the green eyed father and son have been seen, at least by her, and she wonders if, were she able to find them again, Wonka would still be interested in such tales. She’s sure she could embellish it a little if need be.

She thinks it would be a good idea to visit her parents; perhaps seeing them for the first time since they’d moved to Tinuvel will help relieve her of some of her anxiety. Her plans are derailed, however, when she catches the scents on the beach, leading to the very island that she is heading for. She’d been starting to worry that Tarrant and Wonka had left the islands again, maybe drawn away by some opportunity for adventure.

Now Ariana plunges into the cold water, eager to see if it’s true, if they’ve gone to Tinuvel, like Wonka had once told her that his father had promised they would. It feels like kismet, that the men she seeks would be on the same island as her parents at the same time she’d decided to visit them.

Her dark nostrils flare when she pulls herself out of the channel and she can easily taste her mother and her father on the air. This, then, must be the Cove, and though her heart aches to find her parents, reconnect with them, she has much more pressing business. She sidles off, away from her family and across the territory line. She’s never been on Tinuvel before, and the winter air is much more potent here. Her wet, dark red pelt quivers from the cold, and Ariana has to clench her jaw to keep her teeth from constantly clacking together.

She searches for their scents again, more immediately desperate for Tarrant’s than Wonka’s. She knows the names of the territories, but she couldn’t pick out which one she finds their scents in. Ignoring the shivers racing up and down her spine, she runs further into the territory, crying out for Tarrant. She’ll concentrate on finding her little (probably not so much now) buddy later, but first she must let Tarrant know about his child. Ariana hopes he’ll be as excited as she is.

four - red roan - mustang x quarab mix - 14.2hh
html by tricky. character by Alison.


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