The Lost Islands

From a summers thread

What are you going to do now Winter girl? What are you going to do when he leaves since you obviously fancy the boy. She flicked back her ears and scowled down at the ground. Like the stallions before him and even your own son, don’t get too attached. Winter rolled her eyes before getting close to the tree she had found to shield her golden hide from view. She puffed her bangs out of her line of vision as she poked her head around the trunk to see where Wonka was. “Am I your first mare then?” a smile spread across her soft lips at that thought. She caught sight of his patched hide through the branches laughing as he spun about with the movement of her voice, her gentle gaze raked his figure taking in the powerful bunching of muscles on his haunches when Wonka turned and the way he kept alert for her clues. All good indicators for her.

Winter could hear him crunching through the snow closer and closer to where she kept herself concealed. Should I let him find me? She dug her hoof against the lower trunk of the tree, flicking her tail out so he could see the cream of it against the colors of the background . “Maybe that’s what im looking for? An older stallion.” her ears quivered as she timed her movements with his. She slipped around the tree as he came closer and closer, keeping herself hidden. “He can give me bonified lovin.” Winter crept out from around the opposite side of the tree nipping him on the rump lightly then tugging on his tail and moving at a clip towards a small clearing. A light sifting of snow began to drift down from the darkened sky very lazily, the sun had made its way quickly down the other side while she had engaged in Wonka’s company giving way so the silver moon could start its ascent.

This was her spot, whenever Winter was feeling blue she came to this clearing. In her opinion it was breathtaking with the dark green pines that surrounded a small pool that formed under a slight waterfall, an icy stream ran through feeding the pond from the colder mountains of the islands. It never fully froze during the winter time but would get the most charming patterns on the surface if left to sit. The lady couldn’t remember the last time she had, had so much fun, even when she was young playing like this was just too silly for the adults to engage with her. I think ill keep him around for awhile yet. Winter smiled gaily down into the water she knew would soon be too cold to drink as the inlet spun deeper into the winter season. She shivered under her fluffy coat as an icy breeze swept over the snow while she waited patiently for Wonka to join her, if he decided to.

"Speech looks like this."

5 // Mare // Warmblood // Pally // 16hh // Trepidation
html by Sabrina for Trepidation

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