At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


Remember all the things You and I did first?

Mallory started to splash through the shallows. "Imma win!" She said incoherently. Mallory liked Ripple. He seemed to be a true friend. Mallory was very careful as the water rapidly got deeper. She heard Rippls splashing, too. Her and her family lived near the ocean. One day, while Mallory was swimming, she went too far out. She struggled a bit, but her energy was just about gone. Another wolf of the pack swam out to get her, drowning himself in the process. If only Mallory wouldv've stayed further in like she'd been told to.... oh well. But Ripple was different. He would be ok, she was sure of it. "It's getting deeper!" As they swam farther out, you could see the little island in the middle. Ripple was almost next to her now.

OOC: Sorry for powerplaying a bit. :)


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