At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.



I make my way to the lake. See, im a pup, I like lakes. My hyperness is just perfect for the lake. Maybe I'll meet another pup? Maybe I'll be best friends with her?! Yeah Prison, keep telling yourself that... So heres the deal, my light brown fur isnt thick, YET! But it will be! When I grow older. So my russet colored eyes look around. This wasn't a bad place. Even though I'm a pup I have a scar along my left side of my face. And the tip of my ear is ripped off. Now they both happened because my parents got into a fight and my mother hit me by accident when I tried to get in the middle of it. That's when I left. Because I didn't want to be alpha anymore. I now have two permenant scars on me. I went to the lake. Splashing in it by myself, giggling. I keep hearing noises and stop to look up. When I see nothing, I keep playing. My thoughts wonder to my two siblings. My brother and my sister. They were now next in line for alpha well my brother was, if he left then it was my sister and if the both left it was our beta.

I laughed as I almost caught a fish. My tail waving in the air as I jumped towards the fish. My eyes wide as I went into the water underneath. My jaws snap on nothing but water and I come up spitting and sputtering. Hmmmm.... I would need help with catching fish. Or for catching any meal at all. For now it was grasshoppers and mice. Well.... not my favorite type of meal at all. In fact its the worst but it keeps me fed right? So for now until I learn hunt id be eating that meal instead of something better. Now I kept playing, everyonce in a while id try to catch a fish and end up coming up spitting and sputtering. Then I go to the shore and lay down sighing.

OOC-Sorry its crappy kiki!


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